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Izuku's POV

"Dabi, I told you to leave me alone."

He smiles softly, something he rarely used to do. "Since when have I ever been one to listen?"

"...Cut to the chase. I'm hungry."
I don't need Kacchan asking questions.

"Hmm okay.. we want you back. We as in the league."

"Dabi I can't, and we both know why going back isn't an option."

"Well I had the feeling you were going to say that, it was worth the try though."

Dabi strokes my check delicately, just like he used to. It was almost nostalgic. He places a small note in my hand.

"This is where to find us." He pulls his hoodie back up and ruffles my hair.
"Until next time, Izu."

He walks out the door, leaving me with a longing feeling. I missed them, all of them. However there was no way I could go back. I no longer was 'that' Izuku. I've changed. I step in front of the mirror and stare at my reflection.
One time wouldn't hurt right?
For old times sake?

Katsuki's POV

It's been 5 minutes already, what's taking him so long?
I look over at the bathroom door, a suspicious looking man quickly walks out and heads for the exit. Soon after Deku comes back to the booth with a conflicted expression, not even bothering to look at me.
Did something happen?

I look towards his chest and see a haze of orange. Guilt?
"Deku, are you okay?"

He looks up at me, his eyes were dull as if the life were drained out of them.

"I'm fine Kacchan, just a bit worried about school. That's all."

Does he really think I'm that stupid? No one gets that bothered over fucking school. I'm not gonna force him though.

"Hmm alright Deku."

Once we finish we walk back to the school in awkward silence.
"Um Deku about earlier... in the locker room. I think we should talk about it."
Is he ignoring me?
"Oi Deku." Still no response.

I get irritated and pull him towards me. I came to realize his hands were shaking and notice the tears streaming down his freckled cheeks. Now it was plain obvious something had happened, and I would bet money it had to do with that man from before.

"Did that man do something to you!?"
His eyes widen and he pulls himself out of my grasp.
"I-I don't k-know what you're talking about."
He's always been a terrible liar.

"U-um I think I'm gonna go back to the dorm for a bit. I'll s-see you later."
He runs down the road leaving me in the dust. I couldn't help but feel hurt.

He doesn't trust me.
I made my way back to UA, fighting the urge to blow something up.

All my life Deku always came running to me. Following me everywhere, copying my every move. So why is it that now... I'm the one he's running away from?

My thoughts were haunting me, and my blended emotions weren't helping. I didn't know what I was feeling. There was only one thing I could identify, and it was anger. I knew I wasn't angry at him. I wasn't sure what I was angry at. But what I did know was that I was fuming.

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