Messy Rooms and Messier Relationships

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Joey Tribbiani hadn't expected to hear Evangeline on the other end of the phone, nor did he expect to have her outside his door half an hour later with boxes in her arms.

"Hey, come on in," He was kind enough to let her stay the night, but too curious to not ask questions. "Not to be rude or anything, but why are you needing a place to crash?"

"My boyfriend slept with my mom and now he kicked me out." Eve placed her boxes on Joey's counter with a bit more force than she wanted to, but in her defence, she was going through some shit.

"Well, my roommate is spending the night with his girlfriend, so you can use his bed for the night." Joey was excited to have his old friend back.

"Thank you, Joey. And I promise I will find a new place tomorrow—"

"Don't sweat it. Bathroom is that way, goodnight." Joey went into his room, and left Evangeline to her own devices. She decided to just head to bed and shower in the morning.

Entering the roommates room, she first noticed how the bed frame was stocked with books, mugs, and trophies. She didn't like how messy the room was, but it was a lot better than sleeping in the street, so she shoved the dirty clothes off of the bed and laid under the comforter, falling asleep after about 10 minutes of anxiety for what's to come.


Evangeline woke up early. She didn't have to head to set until about 11:00, so she decided to shower first, and then decide on what to do about her living situation. She had money, but most of it was spent on her last apartment, which she knew she would have to call the landlord and clarify. Joey was still asleep, she assumed, so she walked to the bathroom and started the shower. She peeled off yesterday's clothes, and hopped in. All they had were generic, 3-in-1 soaps, and she figured it would have to do. As she wrapped a towel around herself, the door flung open.

"Joey, would you plea—oh shit!" Chandler Bing, Joey's roommate quickly realized his mistake and slammed the door shut, mentally berating himself for embarrassing Evangeline Miller.

"Don't go in there, Evangeline's taking a shower." Joey emerged from his room.

"Thanks, pal." Chandler went to his room, and saw that it had been slept in, presumably by Evangeline. So, he quickly cleaned up his clothes, and went back into the living room to see her, fully dressed and angry.

"What the hell, man?" Joey shook his head at his best friend, not understanding the mistake Chandler made.

"I'm sorry! I thought Joey was in there!" He tried to explain, but Eve shook her head.

"Thank you, Joey, but I need to get to apartment hunting." She left, and took the tension in the room with her, but not the questions.

"Why was Evangeline Miller in our shower?" Chandler grabbed a coke from the fridge and Joey took a bite of his sandwich.

"She needed a place to stay for the night. Her boyfriend cheated on her with her mom."

"Harrison Peters?! Are you serious?" Chandler couldn't believe that two of the most seemingly in love actors he knew had such a tumultuous relationship.


Evangeline showed up to work early, because she didn't want to look for apartments right now. Her manager wasn't there yet, so she wandered around set, looking over her script. The movie starred both her and Harrison, and as much as she hated him, she had to pretend to be in love with him on screen. Thankfully, they only had a week left of filming.

"Eve." Harrison startled the girl, who immediately tensed up.

"Don't talk to me unless it's about the movie." She brushed past him and grabbed an apple from the snack table. Eating and fuming, she nearly knocked into a woman.

"Shit! Sorry," She apologized before pausing. "Don't I know you from somewhere?"

"We met last night at the coffee shop. I'm Monica, I'm catering this week." Monica Geller, with her chef's outfit on and her hair tied back, beamed at Evangeline, who was about two inches taller than her.

"Oh, right. Well, can you do me a favor and poison Harrison's food?"

"I'm sorry?" Monica could tell she was hurting, but had to remain professional.

"Sorry, that was a bit weird."

Monica and Evangeline talked for a little bit, like how they met Joey, which prompted Evangeline to ask if there were any apartments for sale in her building.

"You know, the man who lives below Joey just moved, so you can move in there!" Monica cheerily said before realizing how excited she came off.

"Oh, I'll look into it. Thanks." Evangeline walked away, towards the scene she was supposed to film, but stopped when she saw her mom and Harrison talking.

"Mom, are you serious right now?" She hissed through her teeth.

"I'm sorry, bug, but—"

"Don't 'bug' me! No! You slept with my boyfriend! Like what the fuck, mom?" She tried to keep her voice down, but as she saw Monica rounding the corner with a few trays of food, she composed herself. "We can talk about this later. I'm at work. Harrison, makeup needs you."

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