New Year's Countdown

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Evangeline Miller arrived late. It wasn't like anyone had expected her to arrive early, but she still felt a bit bad. Joey hugged her tight when she showed up in a black party dress. She even found herself doing shots with Rachel, who was elated to have a movie star in her apartment. At 11:30, she bumped into Chandler, who seemed surprised to see her smile.

"Chandler! Oh, my God, come here," Eve pulled him down so she could whisper in his ear. "Your zipper is down."

He jumped away to check as she laughed and walked back to Rachel and Phoebe. She was actually having a great time.

"Okay, 20 seconds to midnight!" Monica announced, standing near her boyfriend, Bobby. Chandler caught himself looking for Evangeline, only to find her right next to him. He braced himself, even though he knew she probably would kiss Joey, who was on her other side.

"10!" Evangeline looked at Chandler, who blushed lightly.

"9!" Chandler looked back, surprised.

"8!" Evangeline figured that this could be written off as a drunk mistake.

"7!" Chandler felt his heartbeat quicken.

"6!" Evangeline licked her lips.

"5!" Chandler took his hands out of his pockets.

"4!" Evangeline turned to fully face him.

"3!" Chandler turned to fully face her.

"2!" Evangeline felt herself start to stand on her tiptoes.

"1!" Chandler began to lean down.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Evangeline and Chandler's lips connected in a drunken haze, her hand caressing his cheek for a moment, before pulling apart. She wished she could say she did it without thinking.


Chandler woke up the next morning, hungover, on Monica's terrace.

"Oh, my God, I'm gonna have the weirdest tan lines." He went inside to see Evangeline and Rachel passed out at the kitchen table, holding hands, and Monica in her white chair. Phoebe exited the bathroom, looking like shit.

"I hate alcohol." She frowned at Chandler, and pointed to Rachel's room. Joey and Ross laid in Rachel's bed, fully clothed and snuggling.


Evangeline found a new friend in Rachel. She even invited her to set, since Monica was already there. So, as Rachel and Eve walked onto the lot, Rachel felt herself ready to fight Harrison.

"I swear to God, when I see him, I'm gonna just start throwing punches!" She jumped around as Eve laughed.

"Thanks, Rach."

"Eve." Harrison's voice caused the girls to turn around.

"You listen here, Mister!" Rachel got up in his face. "I don't know who told you that being an asshole was okay, but they were wrong!"

"Rach!" Eve gently pulled her back, dragging her away from the man she loathed. "Not now!"

The rest of the day went fine, with Joey coming for lunch, and Eve only having to deal with Harrison for 3 hours of the day.


"I kissed Evangeline." Chandler grinned at Joey and Ross, who clapped.

"Nice!" Ross congratulated his best friend, but the Joey frowned.

"Like a 'wow-we-should-be-together' kiss or a New Years kiss?"

"Does it even matter?" Chandler dismissed his friends and headed to the bathroom. Ross and Joey immediately knew it was the latter and decided not to press further.

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