Vampire or Werewolf?

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Neil: Vampire
-Kind vampire
-Wants to go against stereotypes
-Wants to connect the vampire and werewolf societies

Charlie: Werewolf
-Loves to be in his werewolf form
-Very overprotective and territorial
-Would prefer dating a vampire over a werewolf

Knox: Werewolf
-Outspoken, but mindful of when to stay silent
-Very sweet
-Not super territorial

Meeks: Vampire
-Absolutely hates the sun
-Brings sunscreen EVERYWHERE
-Always asks interesting questions about vampire/werewolf origin
-"How are we getting our vitamin d if we can't go out in the sun?"

Todd: Vampire
-Shy vampire
-Ironically, he gets nauseous when he sees blood
-Follows Neil around when they hang out with the their werewolf friends

Hi! This isn't a romantic preference, but I had this idea in the back of my mind for a couple of days. How have you all been liking this book?

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