My Old Friend......

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*recap *
( summary )
Somone kicks down the door late a  night and Jhope and Jimin don't know who it is......

* Jhope's P.O.V *
I slide out of the bed trying not to be loud so the intruder doesn't hear me, " Jhope, what are you doing ?? " Jimin asks me, " i'm trying to go see who is out there, DUH ", " you can't you're hurt let me go check " I agree to what Jimin says and lay back down in bed. 

* Jimin's P.O.V *
Before I got to the door I see Jin in the other room standing in the door way shaking his head telling me not to go.  " Hey everybody It's SUGA " RM yelled from the living room.  What why would he kick down the door then?  I storm out the room yelling at Suga " Why in the world did you kick down ", " because you locked me out and I rang the doorbell like 5 million times and still no answer ", " you didn't want to call ", " whats the fun in that when I can break in ".  I face palmed my head because of the stuidty of Suga.

* Jin's P.O.v *
" well...what did you get, since you were gone so long ? ", " I got this " He throws a big bag on the floor " but this is onlly half the money we need to save Jungkook, so I don't know how were going to save Jungkook cause we need 3 million dollars ".......
"Who's phone is that ? ", " oh it's mine " RM says then picks up...

* RM's P.O.V *
" I decided since you were ate on your payment i'm going to need some intrest ", " what do you mean ? ", " I want .......... "

* V's P.O.V *
" What did they say, because you went a litte lifeless over there "," Oh you can't be talking " RM blurts out to me which seems to be undetfustration, " * sighs * he wants intrest and instead of next week he said that monday at the break of dawn " , " okay but how much we talking here " Suga says with one brow raised in thought.

* Jhope's P.O.V *
I stumble out my bed to go see what they are taking about that I can hear it from all the way back here.  As I i'm almost close to them enough I can hear the words they are saying.

Suga : How much RM ?
RM : he wants 8million dollar intrest

"8 Million dollars, Jungkook just ought to die now " I blurt from where I am standing, they all turn towards me with a suprised look on their faces, " how could you say that Jhope " Jimin yells at me, " now where in the world, just think.... where in the world are we going to get 11 million dollars from just right off the back HUH ??? ", " we can ateast try and not give up " V says,  " I never said I was giving up i'm just stating facts here okay, RM probably doesn't even exactly know who that man is, he is ruthless and he will kill without a problem turst me, we used to be best friends " I finished with my head down and walked back to my room, as I sat on the bed I heard a slow stampede coming down the hallway. 
I turn my head to not only see Jimin but the rest of best friends standing right there in the doorway.   " yes ? " I ask them, Jimin comes over to hug me " it's gonna be okay hobi right ?? ", " what do you think Jimin " I looked at him rasing an eyebrow, then silence filled a room.

" Jhope how do you know him? " Jin asked me in a serious tone, " * chuckles * I used to be in a mafia group with him, we got into a big fight and well he almost killed me, so I left ", " later I heard he had made a mafia empire worth billions of dollars right now", " I didn't know you were that savage " V said prbably a little to loud causing all of us to look at him",  " so what is his name"

" * hmph * His name is Zico but he likes to go by " King ", "what Zico?, I went to highschool with him,he aways seemed a little off though " Jimin said in suprise, "yeh maybe it was cause he was high on those drugs ".  " I know where Zico works, if you're up for a journey "

" What do you mean  ? " Suga asks me
" * laughs * Oh what do I mean "
Fog comes from the walls and a whole map and wepaons lay infront of us.  I knew one day that one of you gamblers woulld gamble Zico * RM * ", " what did you just say " RM asks " Nothing, anyways this is Zico bulding blueprints and I have his office times he is there, now I already knew he was going to take Jungkook regardless he seemed to like him alot, he should be holding Jungkook prisoner here * Points to a spot on the blueprint * but be careful it's not as easy as it looks ".

" So.... are you ready ? " ......

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