Suprise me

6 2 1

* The day Jhope is released *
* Jhope's P.O.V. *

" sleep well " The figure comes from out of the shawdows where I can see it's face with a gun pointed at my head, Then they shot.
I wake up touching my head to see if i'm bleeding but nothing there, I sigh in relif.  I sit up in the  hospital bed and look outside it's already morning, ahhh I throw the covers over my head and curl up in fetal position.


" Who's there ? "
" It's me Jungkook "
" And Tae "
I smiled under my covers, I threw the covers off and sat up to fix my hair.  " A lil spit to slick your hair back " I say quietly, " ahem.... you can come in now ".

" Taehyung move out the way " Jungkook yelled outside the door
" But I wanted to enter first "
" NoI wanted to back off Tae "
They stopped aruging for a second then they both fell into the room
" Get off the floor I accidently peed right there "I said to them
" ew ew, move i'm trying to get up " Jungkook said pushing Taehyung back on the floor
" Hahaha, I didn't even pee on the floor , hahaha " I laughed so hard that snot came from my nose
" I knew you were lying "Jungkook said like he was some type of investigator.
" hmph... No u didnt, now pick a seat any seat "

* Jimin's P.O.V *

It's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay an angel like figure said to me
no it won', he's dead he's gone and he will come with me a demon figure said
" He wont go with you, he won't... he will be with GOD he is not evil he is my sunshine is a big ball of sunshine unlike you " I shouted and cried........

* Jhope's P.O.V *

" Oh shoot " Taehyung said under his breath
" what " me and jungkook suddenly turn towards him, " I forgot your present and food in the car, he then got up and ran out of the room. " You all got me presents and food... awwww you must love me " I say to Jungkook in a little baby voice, " stop with the uwu moments Jung Hoeseok " silence rested.  " did you just call me Jung Hoeseok " I then make a aegyo face, " bro stop that " Jungkook said and we both broke out laughing.

Tae soon ran back in after the laughing died down
" okay here " he says out of breath " here is your food and your present ".....I look into the mc.donalds bag, " OOO you got me a hamburger and sprite you no me so well ", " hey, hey Jhope don't start those uwus ani't nobody wanna see that " Jungkook said , " hmph okay "  I sat there chompped down my burger considering I havent eaten in awhile.

* SUGA's P.O.V *

Some say I walk like a grandpa ecspially my girlfriend samantha.  I stumble into the liquor store from after being drunk last night.  I look around then head to the liquor isle.  " Bacardi and Grey Goose... hmmmmm " I say to myself trying to find the drinks. I find the bacardi so I get 4 bottles and check out.
I throw the bag of bottles in my car not caring but also hoping they dont break. 

* Jimin's P.O.V *

"Jimin ? ", " Ariba you're here he says and runs toward you and hugs you tight, " Jiminie why have you been crying " Ariba says and wipes my tears off my face.  " baby, Jhope is in the hospital " I tell her, " what you didn't tell me " She crossed her arms mad at me " He is coming home today so you can see him later on ", " Ugh okay, but next time a friend ends up in the hospital, call me ", " okay " I say quietty but loud enough for her to hear me .  " Call me when Jhope is back so I can bring over some food I have work " " I will babe " I kissed her on the cheek and then she waved goodbye and left.   I closed the door and went over the couch and threw myself onto it.

* on call *

Jimin : Taehyung....
Taehyung: Hello !!
Jimin : Doyou know what time Jhope is getting released today
Taehyung : Yeah around noon
* hears Taehyung walking *
Jimin : Tae where are you  going ?
Taehyung : I gotta tell you something so i'm leaving the room.... we are planning a suprise for Jhope and with your girlfriend too thats why she said call you when Jhope is home....
Jimin: okay well did you need me to get anything
Taehyung: Yeah.. decorations like litte sunshines etc.
Jimin : Okay i'm on it.....
* phone call ends *

* Jhope's P.O.V *

I am getting released from the hospital, finally

* gets home *
* walks through the door *

I fall to the ground and look at my arm...

* Suga's P.O.V *
I hear a gunshot as the boys were coming home to suprise Jhope, I turned from where I was in the kitchen and ran over the Jhope's aid.
I look at his that is bleeding all over the place " Jungkook give me your shirt " I yell at him " why me hyung ", " GIVE ME THE DANG SHIRT" yell at him.

* Jungkook's P.O.V *
I took off my shirt standing there bare chested infront of everyone. I crossed my arms over my chest standing there embaressed. " where is RM " the dude who shot Jhope said to us, " he's outside " I yell to the man.  He walks up to us in his heavy boots sounding every step he takes.  " Is he coming inside ? " he says to me before I could say anything RM ran into the room.  " what happend ? " RM said as he came in, " where's my money ? " the guy asked to RM, RM looked up and his mood dropped from afraid to this is the end.  " I don't have it but give me a couple days ", " I better get the money by next week or I will kill him " He yanked me to him and put his gun to my head.  " He is coming with me " he says and puts the gun in his pocket and walks away with me to leave.

* Suga's P.O.V *
" How much do you freakin owe him RM ? " I looked at him sternly waiting for and answer " for him to answer me.  He lowered his head and mumbled " 3 million dollars " I stood up in shock " Why would you bet money, that you know dang well you don't have ", " i'm sorry I didn't know this was going to happen ", " think before you do something, I will be back " I say then walk out the door.  " Where are you going suga ? " Jin asked " To get the money " Then I left.

* V P.O.V *
" What does he mean, he's going to go get the money " I asked maybe too loud, " I don't know " Jin said.  I go over to Jhope is still on the floor " How's your arm feeling ", " pretty good, I mean I can move it so I guess i'm good ".  I stand back up.

* Jin's P.O.V *
" okay everyone we need to get some rest, i'm guessing Suga will be back soon so yeh......." , " Um, someone help Jhope to a bedroom, and Jimin you can bunk with Jhope, Tae and RM bunk on the couch,.........."

* Jhope's P.O.V *

" Jimin stop hogging all the covers " I slightly yell at him " I am not hogging the covers ", " Yes you are I only have a quater of the cover, comeone help an injured brother out ", " You are not injured you are prefectly fine ".

" can you two stop aruging " Jin says while peeking his head in between the crack in the door " it's like almost 2 in the morning shut up " he says then walks away.   " hahhaha" me and Jimin then laugh ourselves to sleep.


I hear the door break down... "what was that " I looked to Jimim who had woken up too.

He turned to me and said " I don't know " ........

To be continued

* thx for the ppl who are reading this I never rlly thought anyone would read this to be honest please tell me your opinions on my book and srry for inproper spelling so yeh.. *
* and thx u for commenting on my story *

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