Butt naked much

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I ran outside to find the first aid kit, when I stopped dead hard. There in front of me was Zach. "What are you doing here?" He stepped forward and I copied his movement. Tears sprung to my eyes. "I was wrong Leah, that girl I got pregnant. She was never pregnant, she lied to me. She just wanted me, and lied to get me. Can you forgive me?" I shook my head, the tears sprung forward. "No."

I kept my ground, the tears still leaking from my eyes. Each one eventually hitting the soft ground. "Why?" He whispered, looking into my eyes. His black hair still sticking to his forehead from the humid weather. "Either way you lied to me Zach. You cheated on me and the truth is... I don't want it to be the same. I never want to see you again and I have moved on. That's right, I got some one new and you can't do anything about it!" I screamed, letting all my anger out. He smirked and took a step forward. "Oh really." He took another and another until he was right there in my face.

A loud slap rang through the air and I fell down onto my bum, holding my delicate cheek. "Leah?! Are you okay?" I heard Tyler run out the house and call to me. Suddenly I was thrown over a shoulder, Zach's shoulder. "You let her go, you let her go right now!" Zach turned around towards Tyler, with me still on his shoulder. "Okay." I felt the contact of the ground and moaned in pain. Clutching my shoulder with my hand, I crawled towards Tyler slowly. "GENTILY!" Tyler screeched and threw himself at Zach. They got into a fist fight and Zach was winning. Tyler ripped his shirt off and bent down to the ground, his whole body shaking.

A giant wolf took his place. 'Hot much' my inner voice spoke to me. 'Okay so not the time buddy' I growled back.

Zach shook in his shoes and ran the opposite direction. The wolf chuckled and looked at me slowly. "Tyler?" I tried to keep my voice strong but it cracked last minute. His wolf head nodded slowly and I stepped forward with my hand out. "Can I touch you?" He chuckled and I rubbed my hand on his furry head. His muzzle sniffed my hand and his tongue licked my hand quickly. I giggled and he shifted back.

I gasped and turned away. "Butt naked much, Tyler." I screamed over my shoulder, not daring to turn around. "Like you didn't to see it anyway, Miss. Can I touch you." He mimicked my voice and I giggled, finally seeing the mistake I had made.


Lol i loved this one

I'm sorry about the huge lie i did

I said i would post when i got 500 and i didnt





im crazy and that why you love me

My Vampire Boyfriend and My Werewolf Mate... this should be interestingWhere stories live. Discover now