Stranger at the door

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It had been 3 weeks since Katherine's Funeral. Things with everyone has been moving slow but still moving. Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, Stefan, Matt, Lizzie, and Tyler got through a year of school and now on summer break. Tyler also became a hybrid. Things with Lizzie and Matt have been good. They are dating and enjoying life together. Damon has been getting into his old habits by drinking again. Lizzie had to move on but she was still upset over her mother dying. Stefan and Elena are growing stronger even through Jeremey died because he had a heart attack. Elena moved in with Stefan. Caroline and Tyler broke up so Tyler left town leaving Caroline depressed. Bonnie and Enzo moved in together at Bonnie's house.

Lizzie's POV_____

Life was not perfect but it was starting to get back to normal. The door rang so I answered it. A women much older then me stood outside. She had brown hair and brown eyes. She kind of looked like my mom "Hello, I am looking for Katherine Pierce, is she here?" she asked "Why do you want to know?" I asked "My name is Nadia Petrova, she is my mother" she said and I stood there frozen just starring at her. I didn't know what to do "Can I come in?" she asked "Sure.." I said and she followed me to the living room where my dad and uncle Stefan and Elena were sitting "Who is this?" asked my dad "This women is calming to be Katherine's daughter" I said and he kept drinking "Impossible, Lizzie is her daughter" my dad said "I was born way before Lizzie" she said looking at me for a second then looking at Stefan "Dad?" she said after she said that everyone starred at him and I was completely speechless. What the fuck is going on.

Stefan's POV____

My daughter found me after all these years "I thought you were dead" I said vamp speeding to her embracing her in a big hug "I missed you so much" she said "Wait, brother, you and Katherine had a baby girl? and I didn't even know about?" he said "I didn't say anything because I couldn't live through the same pain I felt when I lost her" I said looking at Elena and she just stood there starring at me and Nadia "Mom is that you?" she asked "No, I am Elena Gilbert, her doppelganger" Elena said "So your my ancestor?" Nadia said "I guess so" said Elena "Where is mom?" she asked. Everyone got upset of the thought of her name "What is it?" she asked "My mom is dead" said lizzie.

Nadia's POV____

After hearing mom is dead it got me mad "How long?" I asked "3 weeks, your a little late" she said. I can't believe it, I spent 500 years looking for her and when I finally find her location she is dead! "What are you?" asked Elena "I am a witch and vampire, I got turned in 1520's" I said "So, I have a half cousin half sister?" Lizzie said "Yep, it's going to be so much fun" I said "Dad will you show me my room?" I asked. He helped me with my stuff and led me upstairs into a nice and small room "This is yours, I hope you like it" he said "I love it, thank you" I said "Know that I know you are here, I am never letting you go again" he said hugging her "I love you dad" I said hugging back.

Over at Matt's house 

Matt's POV____

Lizzie came over and we went to my room. She started walking back and forth going on and on about the Nadia person "Ok, Babe, calm down" I said "Do you know what it is like to find out your mother had an affair with your uncle way before you have been born?" she said. The only way to calm her down was to kill her so I leaned in and kissed her. After a few minutes I pulled back "Are you good now?" I asked "Shut up" she said pulling me back into the kiss and falling onto the bed while we kiss and rip our clothes off. 

After we had sex we laid in bed for awhile "Do you miss your sister?" she asked me "I miss Vicky all the time" I said "Sorry be died" she told me "It doesn't matter who killed her" I said "Matt, who did kill Vicky?" she asked me. I know I have to tell her "Damon turned her but she couldn't control her hunger so Stefan drove a dagger through her" I said "Omg Matt I had no idea" she said "it's ok, You weren't around when all this happened" I said. I could tell she felt back. 

Then I heard Vicky in my head tell me what to do "I am sorry Lizzie but I got to go, I will call you later" I said getting off the bed and vamp speed away. I needed up in a swimming pool with chains attached to this large brick "VICKY! PLEASE TALK TO ME, I WANT TO BE WITH YOU AGAIN!" he yelled out 'jump in the water and you will be with me again little brother' he heard in his head and did what he was told. He jumped in with the large brick attached and he drowned and died.

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