First Night Home

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Once you and your 6 beautiful babies were finally allowed to go home, Osomatsu made it his duty to make sure you were pampered and comfy. He saw how much pain you were in during the delivery and how much pain you're in now with the stitches healing.
6 small cradles held your sleeping babies in their new nursery as you relaxed for the first time since giving birth. You were relaxing on the couch in the living room just enjoying being home when your husband came in with a special treat.
"Oso, What the hell are you wearing?" You giggled as you took in his interesting outfit.
"You need to rest and I figured there was nothing better to rest with than a stuffed animal. So here I am!" He adjusted the hood on his red panda onesie, his usual smile on his face.
"Now I know you're spoiling me." You joked as he sat next to you, wrapping his snuggly arms around you.
"You deserve to be spoiled after everything you went through." He places a sweet kiss on your cheek.
"Are the kids asleep?" You asked relaxing into his arms.
"I made sure they were. Osashi was the worst one to get to sleep." He sighed.
"He's just scared being in a new place. It's gonna be a big adjustment having 6 kids in the house."
"Yeah, but it'll be worth it...6 kids...can you believe it?" He was still surprised to be father of sextuplets.
"Okiku, Omoi, Orora, Osashi, Oujirou, and Ousuke...I can't believe you convinced me to name them all O names." You pinched his cheek causing him to fake whimper.
"But you love the names I picked." He nuzzled his face into your neck when you released him.
"You're lucky I love you." You placed a gentle kiss on his temple. A sly smirk made its appearance on your husband's face. He leaned up and was about to kiss you when a sudden cry interrupted you two.
"I got it." He let go of you and went to check on the kids. You smiled at his retreating figure before relaxing back into your original position. It wasn't long before exhaustion washed over you and you passed out.

Karamatsu and you did a collective effort to make sure you're darling daughter got all the attention she needed at her first night home.
You were currently making dinner while Karamatsu was watching the baby. His parents were out for the night to make the first night back less hectic for you two.
Karamatsu was gently rocking your little girl in his arms while talking to her.
"Hana, you're so small and beautiful. You're my darling rose..." He said these sweet things while holding back tears.
He cries every time your daughter does anything, amazed that he made this adorable little potato looking creature.
He rocked her until she was fast asleep. He left to put her to bed while you finished up dinner.
He came back with tears pouring down his face.
"(Y/n), she looks so cute when she's sleeping." He cried.
You smiled at him, wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.
"What did I do to deserve such a wonderful man like you..." you gave him a gentle peck on the lips. Your smile making him smile.
"I should be the one asking that." He said. "I don't know how I got lucky enough to be with a woman as amazing as you and to make something like Hana. You're my queen and she's my little princess-"
"And you're my king and I love you." You two shared another kiss before settling down for dinner. Jokes being tossed back and forth as well as cheesy lines.
Life is good.

Okay so obviously Choromatsu is terrified to have his son come home. Chihiro was a scared baby. The littlest things spooked him and the house was kind of creaky sometimes. He tried to make sure that everything in the house was absolutely ready for your return.
However, he didn't expect his son to sleep peacefully in his cradle. He didn't seem bothered by the creak of the house or by the wind outside.
You were just glad he was sleeping since Chihiro absolutely hated the hospital. He cried every time someone that wasn't you or Choro held him.
With your son sleeping peacefully, you and Choromatsu settled into your shared futon. You leaned against him for warmth and he held you close in his arms.
Just being able to hold you again made his whole body relax and soon he was fast asleep. You smiled at his sleeping face and kissed him gently. You gave one last glance to your sleeping son before falling asleep yourself.

Olivia and Izumi were the loudest babies. Their first night home was a series of loud crying that had to be shushed by one of you two. You were exhausted by the time 3am rolled around and Izumi cried once again.
Ichimatsu, seeing your tired state, got up and went to take care of his loud ass child.
"Izumi, for the 5th time, shut up." You could hear him sigh as he sluggishly made his way to the nursery. "You need to go to sleep so mommy and daddy can sleep. Your mommy worked very hard to carry you two and have you, she needs proper rest."
You smiled at his words. Izumi's cries stopped soon after that and your husband returned to your side.
"Hurry and get as much sleep as you can." He said as he laid back down.
You nodded with a smile and a giggle before succumbing to sweet sleep.

Jyushimatsu was terrified to say the least. He was already afraid he wasn't going to be a good dad and seeing his beautiful little Junko in your arms didn't help.
Babies are so small and helpless and Jyushimatsu was afraid he'd hurt the baby on accident.
So your whole first night back, Jyushimatsu remained at a distant watching you take care of the baby.
Eventually, you had had enough. You pulled him over to you and cuddled with him with Junko securely in your arms.
"See? You're not gonna hurt her." You told him. Jyushimatsu tensed as Junko looked at him with her big (e/c) eyes. "She wants to see her dad." You giggled before handing her over to your husband.
He was scared that was for sure, but seeing his baby smile at him helped him relax a bit. That is until she spit up on him.

Since Todomatsu was expecting you and his Tsuyoshi to return home today, he made sure that he had everything perfect.
He was armed with his phone and his camera to take lots of photos of his cute wife and baby boy, Makoto.
You gently opened the door. The sleeping infant in your arms dreamed blissfully as you carried him over the threshold.
"Welcome back, my love!" Totty whispered. You smiled at him before kissing him gently on the cheek. "I made curry for you. I know you're hungry."
"You're too sweet to me. Let me put him to bed and we can eat." You made your way to your son's new nursery and placed him in his cradle. You slowly left the room, careful not to wake him.
After that you and Todomatsu enjoyed a wonderful night, just basking in each others company.
"It's crazy to think we're parents now." He said as you filled up his glass of white wine.
"Makoto is the quietest and sweetest baby. I'm honestly surprised we didn't get a little hell raiser."
"He's still young. He could turn out like one of my brothers."
"I hope not. I hope he turns out like you. Handsome and sweet." You kiss his cheek making his face turn red.
"I hope he has your kind heart." He clinked his glass with you before sipping the beverage.
"Now you're just buttering me up, Totty." You teased.
"Can you blame me for being extra sweet? I missed my beautiful wife!" He snuggled up to you making you smile and blush.
"I missed you too..."
You two cuddled on the couch until it was time for bed.
Night one was a huge success.

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