Fixing the Problem

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I have returned! 

Sorry for being gone so long, but I have returned! 

Let's fix these problems!



Osomatsu POV

I just sent the kids to my family's house. 

It took a week of planning and a great lying skills to my lovely wife, but I finally got everything set up.

She should be getting home from work any moment now.

"Hey, I'm home!" a gentle voice called. I heard her soft footsteps approach the bedroom door as I quickly got into place. The door swung open to reveal my beautiful goddess.

"Welcome back, sexy." I smiled at her as she stood in the doorway.  Her face turned bright red as she stared at me.

"" She shyly began to smile as she made her way over to me. "So tell me, hot stuff. Where are all your clothes?" She slowly began unbuttoning her work blouse, causing me to lick my lips a bit. 

"You know...somewhere else..."

"I see." She giggled so cutely I wanted to take her right then. "What about the kids?"

"At my parents for the night, so we can...enjoy ourselves." I moved a little closer to her, reaching up to kiss her cheek.

"Has someone been lonely?"

"You have no idea how much I've missed you." I kissed her neck, sucking a bit. Listening to her mewls. Her legs shifted a bit, showing me she needed some friction. Those legs that go on forever and lead up to such a sacred land. She looks at me with her big (e/c) eyes that are filling with lust and love. She's a little bashful like its our first time all over again.

She's just so beautiful...

"Show me..." She whispered, begging me to satisfy her.

"With pleasure!"


After 3 rounds of love, the two of you were finally spent. You could hardly move and he felt sucked dry. But it was amazing.

"Holy shit..." You gasped. "Where did you learn to do that?"

"I...wanted to please I looked it up."

"You looked up oral sex?" you giggled. 

"Not really. I looked up how to make a grapefruit into a makeshift-"

"I get it." You kissed him gently. "You did amazing. I feel very loved." 

"Anything for my gorgeous lady." He lowered his voice a bit as he wrapped his arms around you, giving your rear a light squeeze.

"Osomatsu!" you blushed with a teasing smile.


That night after your interview, Karamatsu decided to talk to you about what happened with your previous work place. You were shocked that he was spying on you, but you eventually told him.

He was very angry at your boss for doing that to you. And you smiled at him, when he asked if there was anything he could do to help with anything. You just asked him if he would hold you and love on you. 

Of course you didn't even have to ask. He held you tightly in your arms and kissed your head gently. He told you how much he loved you. You both ended up crying to each other for hours telling each other how much you loved one another and how he will always be there for you for anything.

Hana had heard you crying and ran into the room. Her small little one and a half year old body struggled to climb up onto your bed. 


Once she was on your bed she handed you her favorite stuffed animal, a blue whale. It was the toy she always carried with her that she knew gave her protection from the bad things. Whenever she was sad, she would clutch the animal as she cried into her mommy's arms and she would feel better.

"So you can feel better." She snuggled into your arms. "Like you do for me!" 

"So cute!" You and Karamatsu cooed at your little girl.

Your daughter hugged you as best as she could. Your husband smiled at you as he held you both in his arms.

"We love you and we're here for you, (y/n)." He kissed your cheek.

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