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❝ Jason! Your fucking drunk! ❞ some idiot yelled loudly at the drunk raven-haired boy.

❝ I'm not fucking drunk! fuck off asshole! ❞ the drunken boy cursed loudly as he sits down on the floor, tears streaming down his face.

❝ Dude... You're a mess, get up and stop crying, ❞ The person said, chuckling a little at the drunk boy named Jason.

❝ fuck off... Let me cry ❞ Jason mumbled sadly, tears still streaming.

❝ Drunk on depression... Idiot ❞

❝Fuck off, man...! I don't need you! I don't need anyone!❞ he said, tears falling down his cheeks more, making his nose go light red, almost a peachy color.

Jason's eyes start going red and puffy little as the time fly's past. Leading it to be one in the morning, the ravenette wasn't a virgin to the late nights and headaches, which wasn't a surprise to some people he had knew.

His friend, who had yelled at him. Had brownish blonde hair, which made the ravenette envy him since his friend had everything. While he sat on the sidelines.

❝Jason! Come on man and stop being stubborn! ❞ his friend yelled, grabbing his arms and pulling him up from the floor, ❝Fuck off... ❞ Jason mumbled. Trying to push himself away from his friend.

The ravenette's pale skin shimmers softly under the moonlight as his Rosey lips fall into a frown, his greyish brown eyes wander around the room still having the tears falling down his soften skin.

❝Marcus, why are you even here again? ❞ his voice cracked a little once he spoke, his friend. Marcus stared at him dumbfounded, tilting his head towards the ravenette.

❝I'm here because it's my house? I pulled off the party. ❞ the brownish blonde spoke, smiling a little at the wasted boy.

❝Oh, you did? Well then, see you tomorrow or not ❞ Jason said, grabbing a bottle of whiskey and waves Marcus a goodbye.


Once the cold air hits his warm skin, he let's out a soft exhale and begins walking along the pathway. Opening the bottle of whiskey and starts drinking it,he spills some of it in the black baggy hoodie while the rest is swallowed.

“Drunk? Pfft, I'm perfectly fine” he said in his head and stops drinking the empty bottle. Throwing it to the side, him hearing it shatter was music to his ears.

❝I'm... Perfectly fine...❞


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2019 ⏰

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