Chapter 21

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Lex's POV


I got my hoodie over my head and pulled up the hood, and walked out of the hotel room. Adam said he was picking me up for some sort of surprise which I am very curious about. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks so pretty much even if it was a car ride to nowhere I would be happy. Just as long as I am no longer here. I really hate these buildings they are just annoying and the doctor's are just stuck up bastards that judge you. Or they leave you for someone else who is more important on there list.

I walked out of the building and Adam pulled up. Perfect timing. I got in the car and the song that was playing was Skillet's Awake and Alive. I wasn't all that surprised that he liked this song though.

'It's getting harder to stay awake 

and my strength is fading fast

you breathe into me

at last'

The female voice sang and I couldn't help but relax into the music. Glad to know we had the same music style. I may be an artist but there is no way in hell I would be caught dead listening to Bach or that lyrical shit that many painters listen to, to you know, get into their art. I perfer the more darker and well modern kind of music.

"So, what is this surprise?"

"Something you will very much enjoy."

"Can I have a hint." He looked over for a breif moment then his eyes went back to the rode.

"You are a senior and you are skipping a year before going to college correct."


A while ago one of our conversations we had in the hospital was what we were gonna do since I am a senior and turning 18 in less then a month, on what I was gonna do outside of highschool. Never thought the hospital was actually useful. Adam and I got a whole lot closer and we know each other a lot better now. We also established we are boyfriends. I mean I sorta knew we were but he just wanted to confirm it.

He is a adorble.

"Well, for a year, maybe we shouldn't live with my parents... just cause I think I would go crazy seeing you and not being able to well have any fun." I blushed when he said that. I know Adam is not shy at saying things on his mind and it can be embarressing to hear.


"Just wait will ya." we listened to music and I feel asleep in the car. I always do that, it has become second nature for me to just fall asleep in a moving vehicle.

Time passed I didn't even realized we came a stop until I felt a hand on my head. I opened my eyes and just see that we were in a parking lot.

"Good morning sleepy head." I wmiled and got out of the car, I am to lazy to make any comment. All I saw where studios and other random busnisses. "Over here." I followed Adam inside a building with no title to it. The floors and walls were painted a beautiful ivory color. The lighting really was something like a muesums it was amazing. I continued to follow Adam behind a glass door to see that this room was concrete and set up like an art studio. A table with potery tools spred out a kiln in the corner and then I looked over to my left and saw all my painting supplies and more. Including some of the paintings I have been working on at scool.

I couldn't help but smile. Adam grabbed my arm and let me over to teh side where there where stairs I followed him up and we opened up another door that lead into a kitchen area and connected living room with amazing dark blue funiture. The walls were painted a light robin blue and the floor of the living room was carpeted wth white soft carpet and the kicten wood work.

"Welcome to your our new home." Adam said spinning in a circle with his arms open wide. "The bedroom is over to the right with a bath..." I cut him off with a kiss wrapping my arms around his neck. I felt my heart almost burst. I was so happy I couldn't believe it. I pulled away awe struck.

"How, how are we going to pay for this?"

"Well, my parents will help out a bit until we can get some good business in your studio below and I get a job and such." I was so happy. "Plus, you mother contacted us when you were inthe hospital and is giving you a shit ton of money."

"Making up for the lost love." I said without even a shred of love for her left. I knew my words struck with Adam and so I kissed him on the cheek reassuring that I was okay. That my family is no longer of my concern. Well I am gonna be 18 extremely soon, so they will not have any right over me.

"I finished getting your things in the room but I thought it would be best for you to unpack your own stuff. You uh don't mind that I got this place for the two of us."

"Hell no, I love the idea." I said smiling at him. I serioulsy couldn't be any happier. "But, you need to finish highschool."

"It is so far away!" He complained.

"Senior year just get first hour off, then you don't have to worry about it," I exclaimed.

"Good idea."

"I know I am full of them." We both started laughing, today finally starts the beginning of a whole new life. A life I can really live, a life I can be loved and fall in love. A life that is worth...


I hope you enjoyed the chapter, warning next chapter there is a sex scene so if you do not want to read that I recommend skipping over it. Thanks. I will try to get that chapter out ASAP!


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