Chapter 12

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Adam's POV

I had to do it, I couldn't just sit around and do nothing! I had to call the athorities, Lex needs to be out of that house hold. His father needed to be locked up! He may hate me for this but I can't see someone I care for get so deeply hurt like that! I never was one really to get into other people's business but this kind of stuff just doesn't sit right with me.

I grabbed the car keys and went to meet up with my friends. They called about an hour ago wanting to met up so why not. It is not like Lex needs me today... even if I want to see him. I turn on my music station and the song that played was safe and sound by Savanna. 

I remember tears streaming down your face when I said I would never let you go~

When all those shadows almost killed your light~

I remember you said "don't leave me here alone"

I felt the tears sting my eyes. Lex... I just want to hug him. To hold him in my arms and tell him everything is going to be okay, that no one will ever hurt him again. I stopped at a red light and the chorus started to play,

Just close you eyes~

the sun is going down~

you'll be alright no one can hurt you now~

Come morning light, you and I will be safe and sound~

I clenched the sterring wheel and let the tears fall silently. I rarely ever cry... but just thinking how scarey that was seeing him go to the hospital... and worse put there by the people you are supposed to feel the safest around. Isn't that what a family is for.

I somehow got myself out of the mood of hanging out with my friends. I pull into the lot where we all han out. I see the alcohol and them smoking some pot. My heart burns. Not because they were smoking... because of the alcohol.

In all my life I have only gotten drunk once and I hated it. I also didn't care if my friends gotten drunk or not. But, now, it is a completely different story. I quickly make sure my eyes were not read and turned off the car. I walked over and grabbed the alcohol bottle.

"Guys..." I say with obvious sadness in my voice.

"Yo Adam, you finally showed up. Are you going to have a swig?" I glare at my brest friend for even thinking that. He flinched. "Chill dude, I only offered."

"Do me a favor, stop drinking this." I say and turned away throwing the still half full bottle away.

"Dude, that costs a lot!" I grabbed his collar before he could retreive it from the garbage can.

"I don't give a fuck." I threw him against the others, if there focus wasn't on me before it sure as hell was. i don't know what has gotten into me. I am just so mad and ugh! I just want to murder him! Lex's father has no right to touch him! And look at me here. Thowing another kid like trash. Probably the same feelings I used just mulitplied by 5 when Lex's father did that to him. I took out my cell.

"Dude, what is wrong with you?" I ignore him. I dial in Lex's number, Yeah that's right I already have it memorized. I let it ring. "Hello, Adam I am taalking to you." I turn and glare. He shuts up.

"Hello?" I heard a female voice on the phone.

"Ummm, who is this?"

"I am Lex's mother, may I ask who is calling?" I didn't want to sound eager to talk with Lex or anything so I made up a lie.

"Yeah this is his partner for the science project that is due in a couple of days. I just wanted to go over stuff with him." I look at my friends and they are all dumbstruck. I forgot they were there.

"I'm sorry..." There was a long pause, I could here her trying not to cry on the otherside. "I am afriad... he can't come to the phone right now." She hung up... what the hell was that? I called to police on them, he still should be home until tomorrow before tehy take him out of there. He should be home. My heart starts racing and the worst thoughts come to my mind.

"Guys, I got to go. Don't drink. You can do anything else.. just... Don't drink." I said practically runing to my car. I didn't like the sound of her voice and no way in hell was I just going to sit back and watch. I jumped in my car and sped over to his house.

I parked on the street and ran to his dorr ringing the door bell. His mother answered the door. "Aren't you the one from teh hospital?" She asked obvious dislike was written in her voice.

"I am surprised you remembered me."

"Go home!" She shouted. "Lex... isn't home." Then she bursted into tears and sunck to the floor. What the hell happened. Where is Lex? And why is his mother actually caring NOW!? This is so confusing.

I help her get up and bring her to the living room. "What do you mean he isn't home?" I asked. He is always home unless at school, shopping or well... with me. Her tears didn't stop. The worst senerios past through my head.

1. his father killed him. A little extreme but I don't know, it can be possible.

2. the Feds. came in today and took him away.

3. He ran away.

I am hoping to Gos that it is three, then I at least have a chance at beng the prince in shinning armor and finding my lost princess.

"Lex.. is gone, please leave." She said again.

"Where did he go to?" I saw her stiffen...

"I don't know."

"What happened? Did he run away?"

"Stop Questioning me!" She yelled... Well, I wouldn't have to do this if you just were up front with me.

"I know you, manly your husband abuse him. Don't even bother hiding that. So tell me, where is he?"

"You know?" I nodded, she looked away ashamed of herself. Good~ Damn bitch deserves it!

"He... His father... Car and left..." I sighed this was going to take longer then I expected.

"Sentenced please."

"The police left, and his father went crazy. The next thing I knew was glass on the floor and I am cleaning up blood. And the car started up and they both left. I don't know where to but I don't want to know." She said crying. That is bullshit of course she wants to know. Then it hit me... he got hit with glass. I clenched my fist, his father is going to pay. I sit on the couch and time passes, at some point Mrs. O'Ryan fell asleep and I desided to hit the hay as well. Just praying my dreams weren't of the true reality.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. As you can see, Lex is missing and Adam really doesn't know what to do.

Next chapter see what happened to Lex, comment what you think about the story and do star it if you like it, thanks, stay tuned, stay reading stay you.

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