Chapter 2

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picture of Adam to the right ---->

Adam's POV

"I can't believe that little fucker ruined my shoes!" We all where outside of a run down building smoking pot and drink some alcohol. I was just enjoying my cigarettes nothing else, I am not a huge fan of anything else. I know it is had to believe but it is true.

"I didn't even recognize him. Does he even go to our school?" Pete said after taking a swig of his drink.

I looked around at my friends and then to the sky, everyone was scared of me, even my friends, though they tried to hide it. I was very strong and very buff had tattoos on his back, stomach and left sleeve, I know I am a reble but, hey, it is my body I can do what I want to it. Last time I checked tattoos and my many piercing will not kill me; I had 4 collar bone piercing, 2 on both sides. My cartilage in his ears were pierced 3 times each and my most proud piercing and well known was his eye brow. They were all simple studs. I also was going to get gages before winter, but, that one I am still debating, I sort of want to date someone and then get them.

"No, he is in the same grade as us." I said remembering when he first moved in, I was ditching school, it was very hot but he still wore a hoodie, now that I think about it... That kid always wore a hoodie no matter the weather outside. "I'm going home. See ya." Before they could say anything I got my skate board and left. Now that I think about it, that boy was invisible to everyone. Oh well, it is not my problem. I just am curious why? Damn it, why do I always get curious about things that doesn't consirn me.

I got home and my little sister was on the floor building a giant Lego house, yes Lego's since I never allowed her to have barbies or anything stupid like that. "Your home!" Her sweet voice echoed and she ran up and gave me a hug. I knelt down, picked her up and spun her around.

"What are you building?"

"A giant house! Oh guess what!"


"Mom said, if I was good and you were good we could get a dog." When I heard that I sighed, of course my mom would being me in this. And use the ultimate weakness... my sister. Only mothers know their children's greatest weaknesses.

"Okay, for how long." My mother walked in at this point. "Do we need to be good?"

"Until you make a new friend that isn't a bad influence on Molly." She stood with fresh baked cookies.

"COOKIES!" Molly ran over as fast as her little 4 year old legs could take her.

"Mother, you know I can't..." I protested.

"You can and I know you will. Molly wants a dog and you also asked for one in the past. But, I don't want your friends teaching Molly bad things and so make a new one that is a good influence. Or no dog." Molly was just enjoying her cookies and my mother just glared at me. I don't want to disappoint my little sister so I guess I could give it a shot, but how?

"Every student in the school is scared of me. How can I make a new friend?" I protested again, I rather not try.

"Figure it out, I will give you 2 week to bring a friend home. Molly you must be good for two weeks, your brother is under the same rules." A little. White lie she told Molly but this one I actually didn't mind her telling.

"HURRAY DOGGIE!" Molly cheered with her milk mustache. When on earth did she get milk? That little rascal can be a ninja at times.

There was one thing that I never did invite friends over with me to my house but on the few occasions they picked me up my mother was not impressed. She doesn't care what I do to my body unlike my father but she is overly protective of Molly and doesn't want bad influences on her. The day I change and start treating Molly bad or give her the wrong vibe is the day I get kicked out. I know it sounds bad but it is actually a very simple rule on which I don't really pay mind to. It is just second nature to love and care for my little sister.

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