Gender Predictions

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A/N: I'm sorry but I am not sure of Sawyer or Joey's mom's names but I am just going to give them random names. Sawyer's mom will be Lea and Joey's will be Beth


"How are you feeling?" Sawyer's mom, Lea asked, placing her hand on your bump. You shrugged, "As best as I'll be." She gave you a warm smile before standing up and getting Sawyer from his video room. When they returned she took a seat at the island with you again. "I want to do a gender prediction with you guys, since it's almost time to find out." Lea said. "Alright mom, what do you wanna do?" Sawyer asked. She stood thinking for a moment. "My own mother did this one on me when I was pregnant with Sawyer." she said, "You mix up an egg and put it in the middle of your bump, if it slides down your right side, it's a girl, left for a boy." "Seems easy enough." you said. You and Sawyer went onto the back deck while Lea beat an egg. "You think it'd be right?" Sawyer asked. You shrugged. "Maybe, whatcha hoping for?" you asked, intertwining your fingers in his. "Definitely a daddy's girl." he said, "And be just as pretty as you." You smiled, "I don't care unless it's healthy." "Yeah, of course! But a daddy's girl would be amazing." Sawyer added. When Lea came back, you lied across the deck and she poured it out of the bowl. It automatically slid down your left side. "A boy!" Lea squealed happily. You looked up at Sawyer and he smiled at you, making your heat skip a beat. "Another Sawyer." You laughed, "I can barely handle one."


"I think it's a boy." Jett said. "Shh, Jett." Joey said. You smiled at Jett, letting him know Joey wasn't mad. "What is this going to do again?" Joey asked Nicole. "Tell whether it's a boy or girl." she said, tightening the string around Joey's wedding band. "Okay.." you said, lying on the couch and pulling up your top. She dangled the ring over your baby bump. "Back and forth, boy. Circles, girl." she said. All eyes were on the ring, waiting for the answer. Beth walked in and suddenly he ring began to swing back and forth. "A little boy!" Beth shouted. Nicole dropped the ring and kissed your cheek. "Told you." Jett scoffed looking at Joey and walking away. Joey ignored him and kissed you hand, "A Graceffa boy."

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