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[ii. Severus Snape ]

She was about 9 feet away from the transfiguration door, red faced. Ranting as fast as she could about "how dare he assume she needed his help" to Marlene. She held in her laughter to embarrass the girl any further, but she was still very obviously amused by the whole fiasco. The girls parted ways and Jackie headed to the library to complete the rest of her homework during her study block. She would not be embarrassed like that again. By the time she reached the library, Remus Lupin and his goons already sat at her favorite table, the one in the corner behind the animagus shelf.

As much as she wanted to take her favorite spot back, she realized that the library was not the place for a quarrel and study block was not the time. So she huffed and picked a different table far from the stupid gits in the corner, and opened her textbook to finish her potions essay. She tried to focus on the felix felicis essay she was writing. She was almost finished with the third out of 5 paragraphs when she heard the extremely loud voice of James Potter, followed by Sirius's annoying laughter.

They may have taken her spot but they will not disrupt her study session. She stood up and walked over to the boys, feeling everyone in the room watching her. She reached their table and patted Sirius on the shoulder. "If you guys just want to play around then go outside, people want to get work done in here."

"Oh but we are getting work done, look" James Potter says pointing to Remus completing his homework and Sirius copying Remus' answers one by one. He also points to Peter, who was also copying Remus but seemed to be more focused on the material rather than just the answers.

"Oh so I see, none of you have the brain capacity to complete a simple worksheet on your own?"

"Don't insult me like that babe, I just like to use my talents elsewhere," Sirius says wiggling his eyebrows at Jackie.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know contracting an STD was considered a talent, I didn't mean to question your abilities."

James and Peter broke out into laughter, while Remus just watched the exchange with an amused look on his face. The loud nature of the boys caused the librarian to come over and promptly kick the whole group out.

Once outside of the library Jackie was steaming. Of course she would get in trouble when all she wanted was peace and quiet to complete her homework. Sirius came up behind her and placed an arm around her shoulder "Well now it seems we have some free time babe"

"In your dreams Sirius," she stormed off and headed to the ravenclaw common room to find Salem.

Salem was her pet cat. He was an all black cat, whom Marelne said was cursed. (Jackie said he was blessed.) Salem always knew when Jackie was upset. He also led her to Myrtle and Marelne, back in their first and second years. It was like he knew that they would become her good friends. Jackie got Salem when she was 8 and he was just a kitten. He also helped her study by flipping pages for her. She wished she could bring him to all her classes.

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