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[vi. a broken heart]

A week had passed and the pattern that had been established between Marlene and Jackie, now included Lily Evans. Who after the day in the library started to join the two more. Jackie still wouldn't consider the redheaded girl her bestest friend, but she could still enjoy the girls company. The three walked down the hall to their mid-day classes. Once they reached the stairs Marlene would bid them goodbye and head to her muggle studies class.

The two girls left were in the same charms class. They had bonded over their mutual love of cats and distaste for any tea other than green. Jackie had quickly also learned that Severus Snape, her potions partner, was truly in the dark arts. He had also called Lily the muggleborn slur. (Jackie made a note to self to stop bringing up Lily around him.)

The two had rearranged their seats so that they now sat together. They sat in the second row and fell into a small chat about this band Lily wanted to show Jackie, something about the ants. Suddenly the four marauders came in and noisily went to take their seats. James blew a kiss towards Lily, as he almost fell because he didn't see one of the student's bag on the floor.

Jackie rolled her eyes at the ridiculous gesture, but stopped when she heard the red head giggle and quickly cover it up with a cough. Jackie sent a quirked eyebrow towards the girl but didn't dare to ask due to Flitwick having started his lecture.

He jumbled on and on about the pronunciation and the wrist movement of the spell. Jackie's attention could not be torn from Flitwick. The short man was giving a well thought out and informational lecture.

After thirty minutes of the lecture, she let them practice the new charm. Jackie had also been bouncing around a question, she was at this point, dying to ask Lily.

"How do you actually feel about Potter?"

Jackie figured the question was a surprise because Lily's mouth was slightly agape. Slowly she reached over and untucked a piece of her hair to hide the redness that flushed her cheeks. Jackie thought that her question would go unanswered and began to turn back to her notes.

"Hes insufurable, but if im being honest he's probably the prettiest fucking person Ive ever seen."

It was blunt, but Jackie was pretty sure there was more to it, that Lily hadn't quite realised about herself. In an attempt to understand the girl to her right, she looked over her shoulder and looked over James' features. Sure he had a nice face and he was fit, but he was too loud. He was loud in the way his features screamed and shined almost.

Almost as if sensing her eyes on him he turned to look at her almost like he was trying to read her mind. He squinted and pressed his lips together. Jackie thought that he looked like a total dumbass, but then again she was pretty sure Stephan had made the same face before. So she let her eyes drift over to his seatmate. Sirius, she thought Sirirus was attractive but he was too edgy for her. He met her eyes before she got the chance to scan over his face.

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