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[ix. facing fate]

The three Emmersons all stood at different heights. Stefen stood the tallest of the three a couple inches about his mother and a half a foot above his sister. So when their mother yanked the tallest one down by the collar of his shirt it was odd and seemingly unnecessary. Theri mother, ever the prepared woman, started talking about their being at the ministry as a mission. They would all split up and do their task and meet back in one hour. Then they would head home.

    Jackie took her task with pride, following the signs to the Wizard finds department. It was in a skinny sleek hallway all the way at the very end. She walked into the department and was immediately hit with a wave of stale air. The set up of the room had a few blue doctors waiting room chairs lined around three walls of the small room, the fours hosting a counter that had a four person line already there. So she waited her turn studying the floor and judging the furnishing choices.

    When it got to her turn she didn't really know what to say. So when the older woman immediately cut her off from saying anything, Jackie was thankful.

    "Who are you looking for?"

    "My mother"

    "What's her name i dont have all day."

    "Angelica Greengrass"

    "One moment"

The woman walked back into the file cabinets that stood behind her and then reappeared moments late with a folder. Jackie reached to grab it, but the old woman quickly made a noise of distaste. Jackie pulled her hand back and the woman corrected her.

    "We have to make sure your blood is a match before we give this to you. Hand please."

Jackie palms up, laid her hand down on the counter and the woman took her want and pressed it to the tip of ehr index finger and took a drop of her blood. The ten she chanted an odd expression and her blood turned a dark shade of green and the old woman gave her a spiteful look while she took the folder from her hands.

    As Jackie was leaving the department she noticed the line wrapped around the corner. She had made it in tiem to meet back up with her mother and brother.

    She held the folder in her hands. Just by opening she would have another world of possibilities opened up to her. Jackie's hands clasped the edges of the paper. Her future was in her hands, the answers for the turmoil in her heart were right there. She was scared to say the least.

    She slowly opened the folder, she was met with an address and a current picture of the woman. Angelica described her name perfectly. She has long dark almost black hair, piercing green eyes and pale ivory skin. Angelica was beautiful. Although they didn't look related at all.

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