- No. ¹²

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[xii. give up my anonymity, no thanks]

It had been two days since Remus kissed her. She hadn't seen him since. He avoided her in all their classes. Any time she entered a room and he was in there, he pack up and left the room quicker than she could. She was so frustrated.

Currently she sat in the library filling out her moon chart, for her astrology class. She had been left all her life. Starting with Angelica, her birth mother who decided that she cared more about social status than her daughter. Second by her father, who was taken from her when he passed away. Now Remus had agreed to wait for her and now he abandoned her.

Jackie let out a long sign and heard a groan from the next table over. She spotted a pink haired girl, the girl seemed vaguely familiar but not enough that she thinks he's ever spoken to her. Jackie, already frustrated with her situation with Remus snapped a what in the pink hair girl's direction.

The pink hair girl scoffed and stood and muttered if she had to listen to her huff and puff then she might as well know what it was about. The pink haired girl planted herself next to Jackie.

"Well tell me what is causing you to sigh every four seconds, because if you do it one more time then imma lose my mind."

"I don't even know your name, why would i tell you anything."

"Because I'm a stranger, I can't judge you. Plus I doubt you've done anything terrible, you scream goodytoshoes."

The girls stared at each other for a moment. Then Jackie caved. "So i like this guy-"

"Oh of course this is about a guy, wait let me guess he's a head boy."

"I thought you weren't supposed to judge."

"Right, shit sorry."

"So i like this guy, and he kissed me like two days ago, and since then he's only ignored me. Like I enter he leaves."

"Well did you do anything to piss him off?"

"After we kissed he told me he liked me and I said that it was too early for me and I wanted to wait."

"Holy shit that's bad, like mega- shit wait I'm not supposed to judge. Uhhh it could have gone worse."

Jackie rolled her eyes but let out a laugh. The pink haired girl had too much personality from her own good, and cursed like a sailor. She looked back at her and thought that she was the girl version of Sirius. Except that this girl seemed more adamant to do her own work.

"Well after I said I wasn't ready he was all like I'm okay with waiting. I'm a patient person."

"Oh well why the fuck is he ignoring you now."

"Your guess is as good as mine."

The two girls laughed. The two girls seemed to get along well for the first time meeting. There wasn't an awkward air. It was comfortable and easy. Although Jackie was pretty sure that it was just her personality to be easy to talk to.

"Well you were a listening ear for me, let me be one for you. Drop your big issue on me"

"Okay so, I've been kinda snogging this one guy, nothing serious but occasionally I just meet in the bathroom and makeout. It's not a big thing, but he called me another girl's name last time. He got so embarrassed he left."

"Ooooo what was the name he called you."

"Jackie Emmerson, he called me Jackie."

"Wait who was the guy you were snogging."


"My name is Jackie Emmerson."

"Fuck, Sirius, ive been snogging Sirirus Black. Whos the guy you were talking about."

"Remus Lupin"

"Thank fucking merlin."

The girls both released a breath and looked at one another and laughed.The pink haired girl started to stand up, but Jackie called out a wait. And she turned around.

"What's your name?"

"And give up my anonymity, no thanks."

"I told you mine."

"Vivian Prince."

"Wait you're the one hufflepuff my friend accustated in History of Magic, I'm so sorry."

"Nah it's cool, I think she's spunky. It was funny."

Vivian returned to her own table and Jackie turned back to her moon chart marking her last one. Full moon - tomorrow. She was done with that, so she packed her bag and headed back to her dorm room. She waved to Vivian as she left the library.

Tomorrow she was going to find Remus lupin. No matter what. She would go to his dorm if she had too. She was sick of his ignoring her issue. It made no sense and she would get to the bottom of it.

she speaks -
stream fine line by harry styles

𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅,  REMUS LUPINWhere stories live. Discover now