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"What happened buddy?" I asked Jahseh

He kept a straight face and kept sipping his soda.

I asked him "what's wrong" he got up and left the arcade. God knows I tried.

 God knows I tried

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Jahseh POV

I didn't mean to shut off Rihanna like that. I just couldn't bear to think about what went down between me and Geneva😩

I thought of Rihanna as a little sister to me. I felt bad for what I did so I decided to give her a call. She didn't answer. Fuck that shit. I said in my head.

                                 Rihanna POV
I was on my way home with Corey and Jazzy. Corey dropped Jazzy home so it was just me and Corey in the car. Suddenly Jahseh called me I was about to answer the phone call until Corey took the phone from my hand and declined it. That got me extremely pissed . I took the phone from his hand.

"Unlock the fucking door so I can get the fuck out you dumb fucker."

"You finna regret saying that later🤷🏾‍♀️"he chuckled.

He unlocked the door and let me get out. I wondered why the fuck I put up with his dumb ass. I didn't feel like going home cause I knew my mom would be home and I didn't want to put up with her and Geneva's bull.  I decided to walk to this hill not to far from my house. As I was walking I felt so angry. I felt my eyes tearing up. I was feeling a ton of mixed emotions.

I finally got to the hill and I see a blond and black headed boy sitting there.

                                     Jahseh POV
I didn't feel like being home so I went to my favorite place to be. The hill. It was better to come around this time because the sunset was amazing. Suddenly I hear footsteps behind me. It was Rihanna.
"You a stalker or some shit" I said while still looking at the sunset. I turned around and looked at her. She looked shocked. She sat right beside me.
"No. " she said chuckling. I was still pissed that she didn't answer my phone call cause I wanted to apologize and I don't apologize to people. So now I'm not even in the mood to say sorry or talk to her. I just stared at her.

                                  Rihanna POV
He stared at me for a long time. I pretended not to notice. 20 seconds past and he was still staring at me. But this time at my hair.

I recently changed the color so maybe that's why? Anyways I felt really uncomfortable so I got up and left

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I recently changed the color so maybe that's why? Anyways I felt really uncomfortable so I got up and left. "Bye Jahseh" I said.
He didn't reply . Whatever.
I started walking home. I started thinking about my hair. I changed the color to red because it represents broken hearts. It represents everything I've been through💔i felt a tear falling down my face so I wiped it. I finally got home and I walked in to my mother comforting Geneva. This bitch still crying? I said in my head.

"Hi" I said quickly walking as fast as I can upstairs to my room. I didn't want to deal with their bullshit. I was halfway up the stairs until my mom called me back down. Me and my mom didn't get along. I just decided to stay away from her to avoid her trouble🤷🏾‍♀️

"Why is Geneva crying " she asked

"I don't fuc- , I'm not a fuc- , Ok why you asking me" I asked. "You have the victim right there"

"You better watch your damn mouth , you think you grown or some shit"

Lord have mercy , I said to myself. This why I stay away from her.

"This bitch.." Geneva said out loud. "It's okay Geneva I'll handle it" my mom said. OK HOLD THE FUCK ON! SO THIS BITCH CAN FUCKING CURSE WHEN I CANT . I CANT FUCKING DEAL WITH THEIR BULLSHIT. I walked upstairs pissed as fuck. I could hear Geneva still talking to my mom.


That shit was so false👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼. ! I went down there to deal with that bitch until..

( hi guys , author here. I am so sorry I haven't published but I was just procrastinating 🤦🏾‍♀️ I will upload the next chapter very soon because I feel really bad for leaving y'all hanging like that ok bye giys😭💗)


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