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2 months later
I haven't spoken to Jahseh ever since the incident. I broke up with Corey because nothing ever feels right with him. He got hoes anyways. Jahseh doesn't come to school anymore. Jahseh seems really sad, sadder. I haven't been the same . So many things had happened to me in such a short amount of time. I feel different. I'm in bio. It's 12:03 and at this moment I want to die. Nothing seems right anymore. I died my hair black, for change.


Rihanna thinks she understands me but she doesn't know anything about me. She will NEVER understand my pain. She thinks what she goes through is bad, my mind is fucking corrupted and I want to end it all. I want to end it now. I didn't even feel no remorse for shutting her out yet I want to apologize. Cleopatra is sending me to therapy and none of that shit helps with a mind like mine.

I'm cutting and the tears are rolling. I will never let anyone know me better than me.

IAM SO SORRRRRRRRRRYY YALL. I feel mean. buttttttt it's going to get really interesting. I'm sorry it's short too. This chapter made me cry 😭hope y'all like it. I'll post next week I promise.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2020 ⏰

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