3 - Cabin in the Woods

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"Alpha Allister I haveto check her vitals, I need to make sure she is doing better."

"Luke I will kill you if you go underneath my mates' gown again, I don't care if you're the doctor," Brian said with so much venom in his voice the room shook.

"Brian, it is ok, I assure you I am absolutely fine, and I belong absolutely to you, now let the man do his job so we can leave, I am sure you have scared him half to death," Royal spoke with her eyes still closed trying to get every minute of rest she could.

Brian dropped the good doctor to the ground and looked at me in shock. He had the sexiest smirk on his face, that seemed to calm him and his wolf.

"Good Morning Royal, I am Doctor Luke Wesley."

"You will address her as Queen, Queen Royal or Alpha Royal," Brian said.

I stood there silently, for he was right, I would only be called Royal by him, Talia and Dutchess, all others in our world would have to address me properly.

"My apologies Queen," Luke quickly corrected.

"Luke, it is ok, I can assure you I am fine, please remove these monitors from me, they serve no purpose. Talia will be here in a few minutes with my clothes, so I can go home."

"Yes Queen," was all Luke said while he removed all the monitors and left the room.

Sure enough a few minutes after the doctor left, Talia was coming in the room with clothes. Her eyes stretched wide and her mouth opened as she saw Royal now with purple hair and purple eyes, the stories of her dreams were real her true mother is the Purple Wolf.

"Talia, sweetheart, we have a lot to discuss, but let me get dressed, and I will be home later tonight, and in a couple of days all your questions will be answered. I am tasking you with getting all my clothes and personal belongings to our house by this evening when your father and I return."

"Whoa, what was that," Talia said.

"That was me giving you vision of where everything is in the house and what's important, just think about your task when you're in the house and you will be reminded of where everything is."

Talia's eyes were full of happy tears as she shook her head and hugged me like it was the last time she would see me. "Calm down baby, I am here, what was promised to you will be fulfilled, your mother is here, and I will be here for you until my last breath."

We had our moment and she left to complete the task I had given her.

I don't know if it was the hormones or this new creature that I had become, but I felt invincible, sexy and horny all together. I dropped my gown right in front of Brian and began to get dressed, I knew it was taken all his resolve not to mark and mate me right then. I was being a tease, but I could feel his desire and love for me already, it made me stronger, just like I hope I can make him stronger. As I finished getting dressed, I knew he was right behind me. He nuzzled his nose in the place that he would mark me, and I knew it was time.

"Are you ready my love."

"Yes Brian, take me to the cabin, we will need the privacy and the space."

During the hour ride to the cabin, Brian and I talked about our children and our lives, he talked to me about Talia's mother, the dreams that he had about me, about the pack, about his life and about the prophecy and about our rule together. He was an Alpha, but I made him nervous, I could sense it.

The cabin was beautiful, we sat together on the couch, I wanted to calm his anxiousness.

"Brian, tell me what bothers you, why are you nervous, why are you apprehensive with me."

"Royal, in less than twenty-four hours the things of my dreams have come to pass. I didn't have this much passion and love for Lynn, you are consuming to me and I have never felt so weak and out of control. I am an Alpha after all."

"Brian, that is only because you have not marked and mated with me yet, some of the frustration you feel will subside, but our bond is and will be stronger than any other mates in this world. I love you already and I hardly know you, imagine how much stronger our love will be as fall in love with each other as people."

We smiled at each other and nuzzled our noses at each other's neck, I felt my canines elongating along with his and we bit each other in unison. I felt everything he knew pour into me; his pack was now mine. We licked each other's mark and he carried me to the bedroom.

"It's time to consummate my love, and believe you me after twenty-five years, I have a lot to work out," Brian said as her eyes turned black.

Several blissful hours later Brian and I were showered and enjoying each other on the couch watching TV. I could feel his emotions, he was serious and stoic.

"What's wrong B, I can feel your emotions you know?"

He chuckled, "Marry me Royal."

I turned to see the prettiest purple diamond, I had ever seen.

"I have waited Talia's whole life for you, I want you bound to me in every way in every world."

"Yes Brian, I will marry you."

He slid the ring on my finger and kissed me passionately and then it began.

He carried me bridal style to the backyard, it was time for my first shift.

"Royal, I am going to lay you down, just relax and let it happen, your shift will be like a blur, you will fell no pain, you will just become your wolf. Just focus babe."

Following his instructions my wolf came with ease, I watch as Brian shifted almost as easily, he now had purple paws and purple eyes, just like the Moon Goddess said. We ran through the forest and stopped at the lake until dusk, we headed back to the cabin, knowing it was time to go home and embrace our new lives.

"Now Royal imagine yourself as a human and it will be so."

I did as he instructed, and I was back to myself fully clothed with my ring on.

How is this possible, I thought to myself, my clothes are still intact, and my ring just reappeared on my finger. This isn't like any book I ever read. I guess this is some purple wolf stuff.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you are not like the others, and now that you have marked and mated with Brian he will gain some of your powers. Your ring can never be removed by anyone, not even you, it a symbol to the human world of who you are and who you are bound too. Brian now has a tattoo on his ring finger, the moment you accepted he was also bound to you. The wedding and ceremony are just for people to witness, the bond is already sealed."

"Hey Dutchess, haven't heard from you for a while."

"Yeah I didn't think you wanted me around while you were getting busy with Brian."

"Good looking out, appreciate the privacy home girl."

"Anytime Royal. Now you must be prepared when Brian brings you before the pack there will be some to resist, but once they realize who and what you are, no one will stand against you. There are some women that will challenge you, in our world and the human world, Brian is a well sought-after man and wolf, do not back down or bow down to anyone you are a Queen, always."

Dutchess had retreated from my mind again allowing me to focus on my mate.

Brian and I talked while we ate dinner, relishing our time and enjoying getting to know each other more.

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