Chapter 1

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Victoria grabbed her bag, stuffing the rest of her school books into it. She took a good look in the mirror, moving her black bangs out of her blue eyes. She looked nothing like her mother, and her entire family knew it and even poked fun at it. It bothered her, even made her feel like an outsider. While her mom had the beach bod with the perfect blue eyes and blond beach waves, she was stuck with black lifeless hair that hung down to her waist and no curves. The only reason anyone could have put her next to her mother and said they were related was due to the fact of the same eye color. 

Victoria scowled at the long mirror she was standing in front of, thinking back to the first few years of high school. This year she was off the school newspaper and no longer named the gossip of Blue River High, at least. She did not know why she accumulated that name, or why she had no friends. She winced as she remembered when the new kid came into town. She had showed her around, almost got her to add her on social media before she had run off with the popular crowd. 

Jenny Hackle had humiliated Victoria in front of the new kid and entire school, claiming she was a witch that had voodoo powers. The new kid had actually fucking believed it. Victoria shrugged. If the girl had been that stupid, maybe she was dodging a bullet. It wasn't her fault she had caught Jenny behind the bleachers with her boyfriends best friend. She hadn't bothered to tell Archer due to the fact he was more of an asshole than his snobby girlfriend was, but Jenny still blackmailed her like a bitch. It didn't help that Victoria had gained the title of the one who kisses dolls early on in elementary. She had brought her male doll to school for show and tell, thinking everyone would become her friend. It backfired, and she was stuck throwing it away due to her Father.

She never fully got over the doll. 

Her parents wouldn't listen to her when she tried to tell them that he was a guardian angel brought to life. Xavier talked to her when no one else was around, even rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to laugh when Victoria said something funny. When she had asked why she couldn't prove to her family that he was real, he had told her there were many things she was too young to understand. Now she would never understand them. 

Shaking off the thoughts, she took a deep breath in and tried to smile into the mirror instead. It came out a bit crooked, but it worked. You are going to graduate from this hell and move onto bigger things. There was no guarantee, but a large reason she was considered a gossipy nerd was because she had had straight A's throughout her schooling. She kept to herself and did not party or experience everything a normal teenager did such as marijuana or alcohol. She planned on getting a Journalism degree and becoming a famous author or work for the New York Times.

She felt a breeze coming from her window, and frowned when she saw it open. Going over to close it, she paused when she saw something black on the window sill. She picked it up, staring at it for awhile until her Mother called for her. 

"Vicky, you'll be late for your first day!" Glancing at her watch, she threw the item back down and ran out the door, trying to ignore the chills running up and down her spine.

The black feather drifted slowly to the floor.


Author's  Note:

I'm not sure if I should keep going or stop writing the story altogether. I haven't written in a long time and my grammar and such is probably rusty. Feedback would be appreciated!

The girl in the picture is who I imagine Victoria to look like. Thoughts?



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