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⤚ Raging Storm, Raging Wolf, Raging Fox ⤙


CRACKLES of lightening and the roar of thunder filled the air as I heard the whinny of the horse. It was a dead give away to the fact that the ghost riders was here. But I heard only one whinny.

Only he had taken the bait, or maybe he purposely been the one to take the bait and made the rest of them sit behind. He may have told them lies to get it, but he had come here for Nightshade, but not to bring her back to the hunt to join them.

But to end her. Except he would not be doing that with ease. He had a whole lot of us to get through first of course. But the snarls of the hounds and wolves were quite loud. They paced the woods when I caught hint of a brown paw going by.

"Is he coming out?" Nightshade asked as she stared out. The moment she said that the brown wolf sprung from the forest with a snarl. And three of the hellhounds followed out. "Of course he's attacking with them first, great idea Daiki!" Issei yelled as the first hellhound leapt over.

Green eyes burned over as it leapt at Issei who didn't even waste time. He swung his sword at it's neck and it's head came off and flew as it disintegrated. The wolf halted for a moment. Showing that it was a werewolf not a hellhound.

These hellhounds were naturally part of the hunt after all. This wolf was taken into the hunt and was showing human thought. The hellhounds on the other hand continued forward. "Slice their heads off!" Issei shouted. I didn't have a sword, I was a werewolf after all. Not a kitsune.

But Daiki and Issei handled the hellhounds fine slicing heads off. "That's a werewolf." I rushed out. And as it snarled inside before we went inside and the door was slammed shut. "What is going on!" Ena shouted and all eyes went over to her and the anger in her eyes was vivid.

And it went to extreme lengths when she caught sight of the gun clenched in Nightshade's hands in a iron tight grip. And the crackle of lightening spoke lengths as I stood there unsure of what to say. Ena shook her head. "You don't know when to stop now do you?" Ena asked.

But all she did was walk up to the place where her katana was mounted and took it down. The only katanas we had caught sight of were Daiki and Issei's. Blades streaked in black due to their black foxfire it was made of darkness. Their foxfire was darkness.

But Ena's was a bright white light. It was quite something. And now she had it in her hands. "Mom they aren't here to take her, he's here to kill her." Araya revealed as I stood next to her as the wolf bashed off of the door and scratched it.

The wolf wasn't as strong as the other ones. It was a bit smaller, but most wolves run when the hunt comes, or something they can't fight. This one must have not been fast enough. And I knew that my wolf form was easily bigger than this one and I could kill it.

But that could let my wolf get control and that was not a good idea at all. Biting my lip I looked at the door. The wolf snarled as Ena got down her blade. "She better be worth it." Were Ena's last words. "Now get ready."

The twins weren't aware of how skilled their mother was. She was a very skilled swordswoman and could kill people with ease. She was a kitsune after all, and unlike the rest I could see the blotted areas of grey in her spirit that she did her best to suppress and hide.

A piece of her past no doubt. Ena was old. Finally we looked back at the door as Nightshade held the gun. And then the wolf burst in along with a second hellhound. Ena's precision was precise as the hellhounds head went off. But Nightshade shot out of fear at the wolf.

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