Chapter II

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Music: Opening from Namco Museum Encore

Why does my math teacher hate me, I was thinking as I finally finished my math homework. It took me an hour to finish! Then my sophomore sister, Katie, walked back and said, "Remember, you get a lot of homework, bro."

It wasn't like I cared anyway, because me and Elle-my girlfriend-had to work on a project the two of us were assigned together for. It was for science.

Elle came over with the supplies I specifically asked for. We were about finished when Elle looked out my window and blinked twice. Then she walked to my window, and her face changed into confusion. Then fear. Then, excitement.

"Sam! You have to see this!" she yelled.

About an hour earlier, Luke called me. He told me that it seemed like the kids who were with us about six months ago have been acting...strange lately. I noticed that too. Ariana was a bit more talkative than usual. Abbey and Isabelle, on the other hand, were extremely quiet. Libby was less, well, insane. Jack, Joseph, and Quavando seemed very cautious and secretive.

We were all acting weird, too. Elle recently became more observant. As in, she noticed more things, some of which weren't real. Heath...just wasn't Heath. Yeah, that sounds right. Anastasia was a bit too jumpy. Josh was more protective of us, and Luke seemed to have trouble focusing on small things.

I walked over to see what the heck Elle was talking about. Then I saw it.

It looked like a spaceship. A spaceship shaped like a gigantic cylinder, and it was colored dark gray with red and orange streaks. Or are the streaks rocket flames? I was already confused enough today.

Me and Elle decided to walk outside to get a closer look. Just then, I looked down and saw that I was surrounded by a burst of energy. And then I felt myself lifting into the sky...


Ever since Lockwood Inn, I have taken more interest in mechanical designing and development. Yes, mechanical designing and development. I seriously have not been outside in 8 hours. I used to be jumping and running all of the time. But I am out of that stage, permanently. What I do is think of and build machines and devices. Cool, right?

So far, I have built a weapon that shoots a weak shock wave through a conductor and jams devices. It's called a "Shock Pistol." Very original. Sadly, it requires a large battery that drains a lot of power, and can only fire 10 times in one battery life. But when will I need more than 10 shots? And also, I have my own personal generator, created by me (don't tell).

I have been drawing out a spacecraft with artificial gravity. Coils rotate around a magnetic axis, both powering the magnetic ground, and charging the engine which powers the thrusters and makes the coils rotate. Therefor, the ship never runs out of power. The problem is that I can't think of a way make the coils rotate without changing the trajectory of the ship!

Suddenly, right in the middle of my work, I hear engines. Of course, I am a slave to curiosity. I walk out of my workspace, and all that I see is awesomeness. I walk closer. It was inconceivable! I quickly jumped onto my house for a better look. I see a spaceship that is long, white, and propelled with rockets. It looks awfully familiar... Before I could examine it further, I rose into the air while my body was surrounded by energy waves. Who needs us now?

I am so betwazzled...


I was sad after moving away from friends I've had adventures with. Now, instead of the middle school Sam and his sister go to, I go to Summit Lakes.

But I've made tons of new friends. Our school is just as nice as PLE was. Me and Sean were waiting for a phone call from our new friend's mom, when I looked out the window and nearly gasped in amazement.

Sean gives me a look like I'm the dumbest person ever. I just pointed out the window.

Sean rolled his eyes, sighed, and walked outside to the back porch with me. Then he points up at what I saw. A spaceship, followed by three bursts of energy. Sean yells, "Do you see that, Shanna?"

"Yes!" I yell in excitement.

We both stare at the glorious and pretty sight. Then I asked Sean "What do you think those bursts of energy are?" I figured the bursts of energy were people.

Sean looked down in horror. "I don't know, but I think we're turning into them!"

Just then, our new friend came. I turned around to see her mouth open, gazing in confusion and amazement. "HI MIA!"

Mia got a scared look on her face. She nervously shouted, "I-I-I'm going home. See ya?"

I looked down to see myself, from the feet up, turning into an orange burst of energy. Then the two of us shot into the skies. What's the adventure this time?...


I was with Luke, training with our powers. His alchemy was getting really poor, and of course, I had to help. So Luke started regaining memory from alchemy, and I was stuck doing nothing. That's always fun. I didn't need any practice since I have ACTUALLY used my power lately. Invisibility is helpful during school. :p

Luke looked at me and said in a nasty voice, "Josh, you have been too overprotective lately. Why?" I take a second to think. "Oh. I don't know. Maybe I'm just worrying too much after half a year ago!"

I was wrong (I thought we'd go blind or something). We turned into those bursts of energy following the ship. What are we doing this time?...


Being at home is boring. That's my conclusion after being grounded. All I was doing was hanging out with my little sister when I bumped into a shelf and spilled some dishes. My mother was not in her best mood today, so when she saw me, she thought I did it on purpose!
I was grounded for the rest of the day, which kept me from going out. I was about to get ready for a nap when I looked outside, and nearly lost control.

I asked my mom if I could head outside, and surprisingly, she said yes.

I ran quickly to see what I saw again. My eyes didn't defy me. It was a spacecraft with oddly shaped orange bursts following it. My sister walked out and asked, "What is that, Anastasia?"

"I don't know, but I'm about to find out." I said with confidence. I ran for the spaceship, closing my eyes. Then I heard a noise, and I looked down to see myself transforming into burst of energy. And then, I shot up into the sky.

I looked back to see my sister in utter shock. She ran back into the house and screamed, "MOMMY!"

I wondered what I was in for this time...


"Come on guys!" He said. I decided to join him and I couldn't believe my eyes. We both ran back and said, "It's a spaceship!" They looked at us strangely. A real spaceship! I wanted to explore it, but then I thought it would be safer out here.

Then all of a sudden, I looked down and saw that we were all transforming into bolts of energy. We blasted to the skies and landed on the ship. Well, except for Jack who teleported early. "Right when I decided not to go in," I sighed.

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