Chapter IV

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I had a liking for Ariana as a friend. She seemed tough, and her power was kind of like mine. My power is feelings, so I can sense how people are feeling, and then I can change it. I rarely have to use it, but it's handy.

Ariana has mind power. She can control things with her mind, and like Sam, she can locate people, places, or things by sensing where they are. I was about to walk up and talk to her when CaroLina came in and said, "So you're all coming?"

We all nodded.

"Okay. This is very risky, so it's fine if you don't." No one spoke. "The process will begin this afternoon... 1,961 years in the future! Get ready for time travel!"

I was not ready. CaroLina led us to a room full of seats. I tried to sit down next to Ariana, but Isabelle and Abbey beat me to her.

I heard Justpal's voice over an intercom say "Okay, strap your seatbelts on tight. You'll be entering a new time zone shortly, so it may make you a little sick. Or a lot sick. It just depends. Hold on tight!"

Music: Sky #1 from Gradius Gaiden

All of a sudden, we lurched forward, and I nearly flew out of my seat. Jack nearly puked. Heath was having the time of his life. I was next to Abbey, Ariana, and Isabelle (from left to right), and they were exhilarated. They were screaming and cheering the whole time.

Music: Dead End Cell from Gradius III Arcade

When we arrived in the new time period, I felt much better. Luke, Josh,, Sean, and Shanna did not. Shanna actually puked! Again, Heath was yelling for more. Jack slapped Heath in the face, snapping him out of it.

I got near Ariana when CaroLina came in and stated, "Okay, I'll be splitting you up into teams. There are 15 of you, so I'll make 3 groups of 5. Sam, head to Team One. Abbey, head to Team Two. And Luke, head to Team Three!"

The three of them each headed to a certain dot. Here's a lineup of the teams:

Team One: Sam, Heath, Anastasia, Sean, and Shanna.

Team Two: Abbey, Ariana, me, Jack, and Quavando.

Team Three: Luke, Josh, Joseph, Isabelle, and Libby.

The journey started now.


Upon figuring out our teams, we went to three different rooms to prepare. I asked CaroLina for a map of the galaxy, and she denied my request. After an hour of making no progress with preparations, we decided to crash for the night. I barely got sleep for two reasons:

1) Sleeping in space is really weird. You can't get tired.

2) Heath would not shut up about his excitement.

The next morning, I got up first. As I'm an early bird in my family, I typically am up early. There was nothing to do aside from waiting for everyone to wake up. Two hours later, Anastasia got up. She threw a blanket at me and yelled, "Morning, Sam!"

"Must you throw stuff at me?" I grumble, throwing it back.

Heath then woke up. I mumbled something that was really stupid and mean by any standards, so I will not say what I mumbled. (I might save some lives this way)

Shanna then woke up, and made the longest yawn ever. I rolled my eyes while waiting for Sean to wake up. After about 17 minutes, he did, then yelled, "Morning already?"

"In space, I don't know the difference between morning and night. There's only instinct." I sigh.

Heath must've still been tired, because he crashed for 7 seconds. Shanna shook him to wake him up. He was like, "Wow, I had the weirdest dream. We were in this weird cruise ship that took us around the universe, then..." And he went on and on and on.

"YOU WERE ASLEEP FOR 7 SECONDS! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?" I yelled after he was finished. I wasn't angry because I was tired or anything, he just ticks me off sometimes. Just then, Justpal voiced in on an intercom, "All teams, report to the main hall for teleportation. I repeat, all teams report to the main hall for teleportation."

So after that beautiful morning, we walked down to the main hall. CaroLina stood there with some sort of dart gun. Team Two was already there. It took all of 9 minutes for Team Three to arrive. Afterwards, CaroLina said, "All of you, turn around."

I did, wondering what would happen. Four seconds later, a sharp pain went into the back of my neck. Everyone else either groaned or went, "Ahhh...". Luke went, "Oh &$%@!"

Libby yelled, "What the freak was that?"

CaroLina explained, "I inserted tracking devices into each of you. Don't worry, the pain eventually will go away. Now we can track you wherever you are." Then she got out some headsets. "Put these on."

"O..kay?" I asked strangely as I did so. Then Justpal voiced in on mine. "Can you all read me?"

"Loud and clear," I said.

"Okay. If you need to communicate with us, just use these. It's simple, just push the communication button below the mic. Now, we're ready to send you to your destinations!"

Elle then walked up to me. "Sam, please be safe. I don't want anything to happen to you or your team."

I kissed Elle on the cheek and said, "You too."

"Good luck," she whispered to me.

Then, Justpal walked in front of us, got out a map, and said, "Okay, Team One, you guys are heading to Jopian II, in the Frantur System. Team Two, you're heading to Floaters, in the Hipothian System. And Team Three, you're searching here."

"Aww!" a couple team Three members groaned.

"Sorry. Get ready for teleportation in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1!"

Nothing happened. CaroLina then voiced in, "Um, we're experiencing some technical difficulties. Anybody here experienced with engines?"

Heath got up. "I am." After four minutes, he came out, saying, "Done."

Time to begin the search, I thought.

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