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"Ashy!" The five year old girl yelled at her bestfriend since diapers.

"Stell!" The friend yelled back. The two kids ran to hug each other like they hadn't seen each other in years, they saw each other yesterday at dinner.

"I miss you Stella. It was too long."

"I agree. Mommies, Ash should just move in with us. I miss him too much," Stella-Noel looked at her two mothers with pleading eyes.

The Matthews mothers and Ashton's mom looked at eachother trying not to laugh. Their kids were filled with sass and they would never hear the end of it.

"I'll talk to Ashton's mommy, okay sweetie? Maybe we can get him to stay with us," Brandie, or known as 'momma' to make it less confusing for the kids.

"Thank you, momma! Now, Ashy and i need to go to our very first day of kindergarten. We need to meet our teacher and the kids. I love you mommy, and i love you momma. Bye Ashy's mom!" Stella yelled the last bit as she pulled her bestfriend to the classroom doors.

"Bye mommy!" Ashton yelled to his mom. Ashton and Stella walked into class holding hands and looking for the teacher. When Ashton saw her, he walked Stella to her.

"Hello miss, I'm Ashton. This is my bestest friend in the whole word Stella. Where should we sit?"

"Oh! Great! Follow me. I'm Miss Taylor or Miss T. I'll be your teacher all year," the teacher introduced.

"Okay, Ashton you sit here, and Stella you sit here." The desks were halfway across the room from each other.

"No! Miss T. how can i help Stella if she is so far away from me? I'll miss her. Please let us sit by eachother!"

"I'm afraid that can't happen right now, but you will see each other later!" The teacher said happily, trying to make the kids happier.

Not wanting to cause trouble, Stella sat down with a pout. Ashton, however, still put up a fight. He kept rambling "please", "i need to sit next to her", "she's my bestfriend" and so much more, but with much resist he sat down.

The class went on with the students introducing themselves and making name cards. Stella's was neat and colorful while most students' were messy.

When lunchtime came around Stella grabbed her pony lunch box and Ashton grabbed his transformers box, Annie packed both.

Anne-Marie didn't have much money to pay for things so the Matthews family helped out as much as possible. Everyday Annie packed Stella and Ashton the same lunch and brought it to school with her.

"Lookie Ash! We have a PB & J today! With a juice box!"

"Your mommy packs the best lunches Stel."

The two grade schoolers talked about their day and the new episode of My Little Pony that come on the night before.

"When you finish your lunches you can go play on the playground. Stay with a buddy please!" Ms. Taylor yelled to her class. Since the students were eating outside, it was easy for them to get up and run.

"Ashy, when we finish eating our sandwiches can you push me on the swing please?" Stella looked over at her best-friend. Stella loved being on the swings, and loved it even more when Ashton pushed her.

Ashton only nodded, wanting to finish as fast as possible so he could help Stella.

"Higher, Ashy!" Stella let out with a giggle. Ashton smiled and pushed with all the force he had.

He ran next to her and jumped on to swing with her. They laughed and talked for awhile until a group of older boys came to meet Stella.

The boys were in 1st grade and were very popular. They came up behind Stella and pushed her off the swing,
causing her to fall hard onto the mulch.

"Hey! Why did you do that? She was just sitting there?" Ashton was very mad, he wanted to protect Stella but he was also scared of getting hurt.

"I don't know, i just felt like it," the oldest boy smirked. Ashton ran up to them and pushed him down. He straddled the boys waist and started to punch the boy until he was crying.

"Don't touch Stella ever again. Okay?" Ashton almost growled at the boys.

"O-okay," the little boy spoke and ran away with his friends.

"Thank you, Ashton. You didn't have to. I love you!" Stella spoke with happiness laced in her voice. She jumped up and tackled Ashton in a bear hug.

"I'm always going to protect you Stelly. I love you."

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