Chapter XVI

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Music: Bowser Appears from Super Mario Galaxy

Gasping for breath from the events of the past two minutes, we ran into a new room. Inside was a control panel, a man (who, judging by his antics, seemed to be the leader of this group), and a large missile-looking thingy... with Sam, Elle, and Apaulla tied to it.

The man cleared his throat, and began speaking. His English was good but he had a very thick Russian accent. "Well, well. I must say, I'm surprised you were able to make it this far. Not like it matters anyways."

I took a quick glance at Isabelle and noticed that she was rubbing her hands together, getting ready to charge up a lightning bolt. I looked back at the man. None of us said a word.

"You see, some of us Russians have wanted world domination for a while now. As you probably know already, we invaded your hometown," the man sneered. "And, with this weapon, I will take out the President and become ruler of the United States. That's right. Alfanzo Dubazir, future emperor of the world!" The man cackled evilly, and it was right then he noticed Isabelle.

"Charging up your lightning, are you?" he asked sarcastically. "Too bad I already know your power." Then, grinning like a little kid, he pressed a red button labeled "LAUNCH". "Oop, too late!"

Music: Thunderforce Boss from Parodius Da! PSX/SS

A countdown from 3 began, and after 1 was reached, the missile fired off. Alfanzo grinned evilly once more, then got out a hoverboard and snickered, "Have fun!" Then he flew off.

Thinking quickly, Heath waved his left arm and whistled, the signal for Sam's own hovercraft. We all stepped on, and, with Heath taking control, blasted off.

This just became a race against time.


The first task- rescue Sam, Elle, and Apaulla.

I set the hovercraft's speed to maximum, and flew us towards the flying missile. Even at maximum speed, we were barely able to catch up to the missile. I told Luke, "Take control and fly to D.C. Jack and I will handle this."

"Got it," Luke responded, taking over the controls. I grabbed Jack's arm and performed a short hop to land on the missile.

Jack still had his knife with him, which we used to cut Sam free. Then we cut Elle free... and Jack lost his balance and ended up dropping his knife.

"JACK!" we all yelled. He just shrugged sheepishly.

"Stand back, guys. This requires that I have space," Sam instructed. Jack, Elle, and I were only able to back up a small amount, since, well, we didn't have a lot of room to move on the missile.

Sam used his magic to turn both of his hands into chainsaws, and sawed at Apaulla's rope. He was able to pull it off, and then he motioned to Jack. Awkwardly, we all grabbed each other for Jack to teleport us back.


Jack immediately teleported us to Washington D.C, where Sean, Shanna, Ariana, Abbey, Isabelle, Skylar, and Luke were already waiting. "How in the world are we going to be able to stop the missile?" Skylar asked.

"I theorized a plan while tied to the missile," Sam said. "If I combine mind power with Ariana, I calculated that we can only come close to stopping it. That's where Abbey comes in."

"But I only have magnetic power. I can't move it like you and Ariana can," Abbey protested.

"Yes, but when you use your power, you freeze the object in place so you can move it towards you. With that, we can stop it," Sam explained. "And then your repelling power can combine with Ariana and I's ability to move it away from here."

"Seems like it's worth a shot. Let's go for it," Ariana grinned.

A few minutes later, I saw the missile coming from afar, and I yelled to the three of them, "NOW!"

It went exactly as planned. Sam, Ariana, and Abbey all managed to halt the missile, and combined with Abbey's repelling ability, were able to launch it away from the area.


Music: A Dream of Dreamer from Nemesis 2 MSX

With all the action of our plan to repel the missile going on, we didn't notice that we had attracted a crowd. People were all around us, clapping and cheering and whooping.

"Um... thanks?" I sarcastically said.

Soon, a news van pulled up, and about 4 or 5 reporters and a camera man came out. Microphones were pushed in all of our faces, with people asking questions.

"How did you do it?"

"The way you moved that missile was incredible!"

"Explain to us how you did it!"

"Do you kids have powers?"

A stern, demanding voice then said from afar, "Stop."

We all turned to see the PAC leader, with a helicopter next to him. The reporters then ran over to him with questions, but he held a hand up to silence them. "These children, by my request, may not be taken for questioning for any reason. They are required to come with me."

"Can we at least get one picture of them?" the camera-man asked, and the PAC leader sighed, "Fine. But only one."

So we took a quick group picture, and then boarded the helicopter and flew back. "Wait," I asked. "What about the soldiers back at home?"

The PAC leader smiled. "Just wait."

It turns out, PAC had contacted the president, and the US Army was able to come and get rid of all the Russian soldiers. And without much of an issue, either. It looked normal again, despite the fact that there was still lots of damage, and A LOT of traumatized people.

The happy moment was interrupted when Apaulla said, "Sorry guys, but I have to go home now. Thanks for letting me hang with you."

Then, out of nowhere, Jack ran up to Apaulla, grabbed her hand, and asked her, "You'll come back, won't you, Apaulla?"

She gave him a smile and replied, "Don't worry, Jack. Someday soon I'll return to see you." Then she gave him a light kiss on the forehead, and began phasing away, going back to her time.

I looked at Heath and he gave me an odd look back. Then, I couldn't help but gag.

Well... that's over. Or so we thought...

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