Chapter IX

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Music: Stage 8C arrangement from Gradius Galaxies

At the main Russian base, Alfanzio is having drinks with his friend, Simmons, when his informant comes in, saying, "Boss, the Missouri home base would like to speak with you."

Grumbling to himself, Alfanzio gets up and answers the phone. "What is it this time?"

Lieutenant Colonel's voice picks up. "Boss, I hate to break it to you, but word has it that the kids were able to defeat the snakes and escape the cave. We've been unable to find them all around town, so we assume they've left the area."

Alfanzio slams his fist on a nearby table, which hurt like hell. Then he growls really loudly in anger, and yells into the phone, "HOW COULD YOU HAVE LET THEM ESCAPE!?"

"We thought the snakes would get them, but our soldiers believe we have underestimated their powers."

Alfanzio sighs and facepalms. The kids having powers was the last thing he had considered when thinking of a plan to get rid of them. "I don't care what it takes. Find those children and take them out. PRONTO. I'll call the men over here and tell them to do a full scout of the area."

"Yes, sir!" Lieutenant Colonel says, then hangs up. Alfanzio sighs once more and mutters, "We're in for a rough one, aren't we..."


Music: Space Traveler from Nemesis 3 MSX

Abbey, Isabelle, and I were making final preparations for our late-night departure. I was able to get a good amount of sleep, about 6 hours or so. After I was woken up, Abbey gave me some darker clothes to wear.

"We need to blend in with the night," she had told me. "We don't want to take any chances, even if the Daleks aren't out there."

Why the Russians used Daleks against us was still beyond me. I then began finding some supplies that could be used during the travels. I picked up a flashlight and it was immediately slapped out of my hands by Isabelle.

"Don't even think about it," she told me. "Someone is definitely going to spot the light of one of those."

I sighed, then left to check on Sean. In his room, Ariana was busy lifting objects with her mind and Skylar was likely testing her power in the bathroom. I asked Sean how his strength felt, and he told me, "Eh... I need some practice, but I don't know what to practice on."

I motioned towards the vase Ariana was currently lifting up, and Sean nodded. While Ariana had her eyes closed, Sean gave the vase a swift punch, and it broke instantly. Ariana's eyes opened and she did not look happy. I left the room with a grin, saying to myself, "My work here is done."

At exactly 12:58 AM, we set out. All of us were wearing dark colors to blend in with the dark sky. We walked outside and immediately I wrapped my arms around me. I wasn't anticipating the cold.

"Forgetting something, Shanna?" I heard Sean's voice say from nearby. I looked over to him and saw that he had a jacket I had brought with me on this trip.

"Give me that," I growled, taking it from him.

After about an hour or so of walking, we finally settled down in a group of trees, by a river. The moonlight created a beautiful glow on the river. It was astounding to look at, and made me feel as if there could be peace in this whole situation after all.

The peace was briefly interrupted by a rustling in the nearby bushes. All of us became on high alert and ready to fight. The figure came through the bushes and turned out to be...

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