Part 1

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The battle surrounding her caused her to become dizzy. She couldn't find the person she was looking for – where was he? Where was he? She began to feel frantic as the enemy in front of her looked at her with an evil smirk, sword poised to aim at her chest. Her eyes locked onto a person suddenly behind the man. His sapphire blue eyes were wide, as he just seemed to stare at her.

"Save her!" her voice called out, the wind carried it to his ears," SAVE HER!"

He didn't even hesitate as he turned on his heels and sprinted off towards another woman at the edge of the clearing holding a bow. She was about to be hit by a spear thrown her direction, but the man made it to her in time, scooping her up into his arms. He didn't even turn back to look at her, tears pricked her eyes as she felt the intense pain of the blunted sword enter her chest, and into her heart. Her scream pierced the restless air, before suddenly – it all just vanished. Before her vision suddenly blacked out, her blurry vision made its way to the mysterious man and the woman he now carried. She swore she recognized her.... Wait.... Was that....

"Kagome!" She shouted in a panic, her eyes flew open. Slightly in a hyperventilating state, her hand rested against her thumping heart.

"Rosemary!" a voice echoed behind her, a hand against her back began to circle in soothing circles.

"Did you have another nightmare?" the girl's voice asked quietly behind her.

"It's....," Rosemary cleared her throat," it's been the same version for the past few months. Every time... I die, somehow... and it always feels like I'm actually being..." She stopped with a shaky breath.

"It's okay!" her friend whispered, trying to make her feel better. She's never gone into details specifically, just that she always dies in her dreams. Which, in her opinion, is never a good sign.

"I just... I always just see his eyes.... His eyes....," she repeated, almost in a trance.

"Do you want to go back to sleep? I have to go out of town today for a little while, but... I'll be back soon."

"...... I'll.... Yeah.... I'll try to," Rosemary responded before giving a small smile," Thanks, Kagome."

"Hey! That's what friends are for! I gotta go though, before he gets angry...," she seemed to chew on her words almost hesitantly.

Rosemary just frowned at her words. This so-called boyfriend of hers always seemed to be in a bad mood. She didn't know if she really approved of Kagome dating him... but she never listened to what she was trying to tell her.

"Bye!" she waved as she ran out the door, carrying her huge backpack. She always wondered what in the hell she carried in that thing.

"What took you so long?!" she heard his voice outside the window, always so irritated.

"Well I'm here, aren't I? Jeez, you should be grateful that I show up as much as I do!" she shouted back at him.

"You know, I don't have to come get you every damn time you're late!"

"Then don't!"

Their voices started to fade, so she peeked her head over the windowsill. She never actually has met the guy yet, she's only caught glimpses of what looked like silver white hair. Red clothing. She was about to lay her head back down and snuggle underneath the blankets when she suddenly heard a scream. Her head popped up instantly to look outside and her eyes widened at the sight. Did he just... did he just throw her into the well!

"OH MY GOD!" she yelled out as she sprung upfrom the bed and stumbled down the stairs.

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