Part 2

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"Hey! Wh-what's....?" Kagome's mom started to sputter out but she just kept running, faster. Faster... FASTER!

"KAGOME!" she shrieked out as she slammed into the side of the well. Reaching her hand down, she tried to see if she could reach her friend. Hopefully he hadn't hurt her.

"Kagome? Can you hear me? KAG.... Who....woooaaaa... aaaaahhhhh!!!!" Stretching a little too far caused her to lose her footing, making her fall face first into the well. Screaming, she felt like she was falling forever as she squeezed her eyes shut tightly. Hitting the ground with a soft thud, she let out a soft groan.

"Wh....," she started as she cracked her eyes open. Blue skies high above her... wait... she thought the well was in a shrine....

She slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes as she looked around before giving a light huff.

"How in the hell am I supposed to get out of here now? I swear.... Kagome fell though....," she murmured to herself before pausing. Hearing a soft murmur of conversation above her she stood up.

"Kagome? Is that you?" she yelled out above her," Can you drop down a rope or ... call the fire department? I'm so...."

She stopped when suddenly standing in front of her was.... Not who she expected. Bright blue eyes stared down at her in curiosity, making her freeze.

"My dream.....," she murmured to herself in thought. She placed a shaky hand against her temple... maybe she bumped her head a little harder when she fell maybe.

"You smell like Kagome's world...," the strange man said in a deep voice, as he seemed to sniff her hair.

"Wh.... What ... are you doing?" she stammered out, her face instantly reddening.

Taking a step back, her back hit the stone wall behind her. He followed her, taking a step forward with her step back.

"Where's Kagome? Why do you smell like her? Who are you? Where did you come from?" he quickly asked several questions, his face close enough to her face, she could feel his breath hitting her cheek.

His nose wiggled slightly as he took another sniff of her scent. It was... interesting. It pulled him forward, which unsettled him. He had to force himself not to bury his face into her neck. Her stammering was ... cute... in a weird way. She had dark brown eyes – almost black, with white blonde hair. It was braided, hanging over her shoulder. His staring was making her nervous, making her tug nervously on her hair. His blue eyes.... Blue eyes.... They looked so... familiar.

"Could... you be....," she stopped when she heard shouting above them. Looking up, she wasn't focusing on the strange man in front of her when she felt a rough hand grasp her upper arm harshly.

"HEY!" she sputtered out as she tried to tug out of his grasp, but just got met with her being tugged back into his chest. She let out a small shriek as suddenly he jumped, feeling her feet leave the solid ground another her. She subconsciously wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and buried her face into his chest.

"Don't drop me, don't drop me. OH god, please don't drop me!" she mumbled underneath her breath quickly.

"Relax, princess," she swore she could hear his smirk, but his grip tightened around her anyway.

"Koga! Where did you run off to so quickly?" Rosemary heard a familiar voice below them, as the man's feet hit the ground below them with a light thud.

"Kagome! You came after me – how sweet," the man murmured out to her, as he remained holding the strange woman in his arms.

"Don't look into it, flea bag!" another man's voice called out, sounding bitter.

"Wh.... Wait is that... ROSEMARY!" Kagome cried out, making her head turn towards her friend's voice. Her eyes widened.

"Ka... Kagome? KAGOME! KAGOME!" she thrashed out of the man's grasp, stunning him slightly, as she took off running towards the one person she recognized. She threw her arms around her tightly, Kagome did the same.

"How did you... why are you here? Rosemary? What happened?" Kagome asked, her hand running through her hair soothingly as she sobbed.

"I thought... I saw.... I thought....," she hiccupped through her tears," I thought he threw you down the well. I didn't ... I .... I fell.... And... maybe bumped my head."

Rosemary looked around with wide eyes, as she took one step back, her gaze focusing at the scenery around her.

"We... have a lot to explain," Kagome whispered kind of nervously," You're in the feudal era... Rosemary."

Rosemary blinked once before her light laughter bubbled out of her throat. "You're... no... you're kidding me."

"It's the truth, girl. Look around you. That should've been enough proof for your dimwitted brain," a grumble sounded beside her. Her gaze immediately went over to.... Dog ears...

"Th... they're... they're REAL!" she shrieked and took a step back, only to trip and fall on her butt.

"Ow," she murmured to herself, wincing on the impact.

"Man, she is a klutz. Well, clearly, you need to return back to your own damn world. I don't need another one of you to look after," the man with dog ears said as he suddenly was in front of her. He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder briskly.

"HEY! Put me down!" she hit his back with her fists, to no avail. It was almost like he didn't even feel it. "I am not a sack of potatoes!"

"Hands off, dog!" a loud voice suddenly said, as she felt another pair of hands wrap around her and draw her away from the man in red.

"You can't claim her, too, you know! First Kagome, now her! Pervert!" the dog man shouted at him, his hands clenched into fists.

"Oh yeah! Well, at least I smell better then you, mutt!" the man shouted at him, deafening so close to her ears.

"She needs to go back through the well!"

"You worried you can't take care of two? You can't take care of Kagome all by yourself, so maybe she needs to stay with me!"

"Like hell she will! This is no place for a......"

"SIT BOY!" Kagome's voice cut through the yelling match, as the man with dog ears suddenly crashed into dirt ground beneath him, sending small rocks into the air around him.

"Koga, please put Rosemary down. You're scaring her," Kagome commanded, but in a lighter tone.

"Is.... Is she going to make you sit too?" Rosemary whispered into Koga's ear, making him suppress a shudder.

"No," he cleared his throat as he softly sat her feet back down on the ground, his hands hesitantly left her waist, as she started to make her way next to her friend," unlike that half – demon over there, I'm more powerful. Nothing like that would ever happen to me."

"Half.... Demon?" Rosemary asked, sounding half in shock.

"How about... we go sit down somewhere in the shade. We can talk it over more, and introduce you to everyone," Kagome took her hand in hers, before slowly starting to walk.

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