Part 7

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Returning back to the cave, grumbling underneath his breath. His pack can be so.... He ran a hand through his hair in aggravation. That demon was nothing but a lowly little creature. Nothing more. Stupid. His gaze went to the dying fire and widened at the missing presence of the girl, before her scent reached his nose. He walked towards it, before stopping mid stride. She was almost hidden from his sight, the fur pelts were pulled up to her nose. But what made him snort out a chuckle was his wolves. All of them were surrounding her, huddling around her in a tight little pile. They've never taken to anybody this way... his thoughts jumbled together. What was it about her? What was so special about her? He took a step forward but was stopped with what sounded like a light growl coming from the sleeping bundle. Surely his wolves wouldn't....

The wolves one by one made a stand, watching him quietly as the girl began to rise. She gave a slight sigh as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Looking around groggily, she froze as her eyes made their way to Koga's figure standing in front of her.

"Koga....," she breathed out another sigh, before giving a small smile," You're back."

"I see my wolves kept you safe," he muttered, hiding a blush behind a raised hand.

She stood up on wobbly feet before slowly making her way over. Pulling the fur wrapped around her off her shoulders, she hesitantly held it out to him.

"T-thank you," her cheeks reddened, as she shuffled her feet nervously," Fo-for letting me borrow this..."

He took the pelts between his fingers and walked behind her, before wrapping it back around her shoulders. His fingertips crazed over her neck, making her shudder from the contact.

"Keep it safe for me," he murmured as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear," You need it more than I do anyway."

She let out a nervous chuckle as she darted forward, separating the closeness between the two of them. He scowled at her actions, clenching his hands tightly. She could be more grateful... he is after all letting her stay here. She turned her head to face him, her large eyes staring into his eyes. Red tinged her cheeks as he stared back, eyebrow raised in curiosity. She doesn't look afraid of him. So why does she move away from him.... He took a small step forward, and watched as her cheeks grew a deeper shade of red.

Oh. He smirked as her actions.

"Do I make you nervous, princess?" he murmured in a mocking tone.

"N-no," she squeaked out as he stalked closer to her. She didn't realize how close she was to a wall, before her back hit it with a sharp thud. Wincing, she looked back up only to stiffen. His hand rested against the stone wall beside her face, as he leaned towards her, giving her a fanged grin.

"I think I do," he breathed out, his warm breath hitting her neck making her shudder again. His fingers lightly rested against her neck, as he leaned closer.

Her eyes widened even more – if it was possible – her breathing drew slightly ragged. Eyes dilating, she stared up at him as her lips parted slightly. He blinked, his gaze continuously flickering from her brown eyes down to her lips. She was biting them again. He let out a soft growl. She mewled in response, shivering. He leaned down closer, taking a deep breath in. He almost let his inner demon out – to give in to what it desired. "You just.... Smell.... So....," he murmured to himself, his nose now burrowed in the crevice of her neck. She let out a gasp, stiffening from the contact.

"N-no.... N.....NO," she let out a gasp, as she began to struggle from his tightening grip. He growled back in response, almost threateningly. He was about to retort something out when he felt a painful sensation run through his ankle. Yelping, he jumped back from the surprise attack from one of his wolves.

"W-what the hell?!" he yelled out angrily, his eyes ablaze with his demonic powers coursing through him. He blinked suddenly, taking in the scene in front of him. Rosemary was still pressing her back against the stone wall, her legs quivering beneath her, eyes wide. Her face was a deep ruby red, gasping from her mouth. A wolf with a white streak down his nose growled at Koga as two others took their place beside her. Rayne being one of them, she nudged Rosemary's palm with her nose. He blinked again, only this time his actions came running back to him. His eyes widened, as he quickly stood to his feet. Letting out a light wince from the pain in his leg, he took a step forward, hand outstretched towards the girl in front of her.

"Rosemary," he whispered hoarsely. What did he do? She let out a whimper as she hesitated before edging towards the entrance of the cave. Rayne still by her side, nudging her out. Letting out a growl like bark towards the alpha, they took off quickly, leaving him to kneel on the floor.

He dropped his head into his hands, his grip tightening in his hair almost painfully. He said he'd protect her and... he just... He shook his head, as his gaze went back to the entrance of the cave. Looking back at the two wolves standing before him he whistled and pointed towards the entrance with his fingers.

"Protect her," he mouthed, still too ashamed to speak out loud. They didn't need to be told twice as they took off quickly, chasing after her scent. He pressed his hand against his face once more, shaking in anger.

Kagome would never forgive him if.... He swallowed. Please, forgive me....

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