Part 8

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She only ran for a few minutes, already out of breath. She didn't think he would have.... She swallowed at her inner thoughts. A part of her almost seemed to want what he was doing. She blushed before slapping herself in the face, hard. Don't think like that. He tried to.... He was going to... She shivered, wrapping her arms around herself. A soft whine pulled herself out from her thoughts, her gaze wandered down to the wolf walking by her side.

"Thank you....," she mumbled to her, as she yipped back in response. Tongue lolling out of her mouth, she nudged her palm with her head.

"Maybe... I should take a bath... do you think that would help with...," she blushed at her statement, her fingers yanking on her braided hair. The world seemed to agree with her as immediately in front of her, seemed to appear a river. Deep enough for her to bath in.

"I can at least wash some of this grime off...," she murmured to herself as she began to slowly strip away her clothes. Folding them and placing them on a rock in the sun, she took a small step into the water and shivered.


The wolves let out a small bark towards each other as they laid down at the edge of the water, lazily keeping watch of the girl they followed after.

Taking a deep breath in she quickly submerged herself into the clear waters, hoping to get used to the coolness of the temperature. She, nor the wolves, were aware of the presence watching her. Glaring at her with golden eyes.

He felt it before he heard her screams. Jolting up from his sulking position, he raced outside the cave and towards her scent. She hadn't gone far – he knew she was taking a bath. He could hear her splashing around in the waters. He forced himself not to go after her. That was the last thing he wanted, was to be caught spying on her after what just happened between the two of them.

"Rosemary!" he called out, coming to a brunt halt as he took in the scene in front of him. His wolves were growling at the intruder that now held her tightly, his clawed hand wrapped around her throat.

"What do you want, bastard!? Let her go!" he growled at him, swiping his hand out in front of him.

"K-Koga," she croaked out, her hand clawing at the man's hand around her neck, to no avail.

"So," he quipped out, his golden eyes narrowing," the rumors were true. And you've decided to take her as your mate? You haven't marked her yet."

"She's nothing but a human!" Koga growled back at his nonchalant attitude," You have no use for her. Let. Her. Go. Sesshomaru!"

"If you think that's all she is," he growled back, before he seemed to stiffen, but only for a second. If you blinked, you would've missed it," I have no use for her."

He let her go, dropping her back into the water where she came from. Within a split second, he was gone.

"Rosemary!" Koga called out as he dove into the water after her. Grasping her waist in his arms, he kicked against the sand floor and broke the surface of the water. Making his way back to the floor, he laid her down and pressed his ear to her chest. He breathed a sigh of relief as she began to let out a wracked cough, as she began to struggle against him.

"It's okay! It's okay!" he called out to her, as he tugged her into his arms tightly, shielding her from the view of others.

"K...Koga," she spluttered, weakly, her hand gently slapped the side of his face. He let out a nervous chuckle at her actions before she passed out from exhaustion. He deserved that – even though it didn't hurt. He grew solemn as he pressed the back of his hand against her cheek. She felt warm.... Too warm.

Picking her up gently, he quickly began to make his way back to the cavern. She was burning up. What did that bastard to do her? He growled underneath his breath at the thought of that... that demon from even touching a strand on her head. How dare he... HOW DARE HE! His inner demon roared in anger. She let out a quiet whimper from her sleep, making his eyes drift down to her shivering form.

"What did he mean by that?" he murmured to himself in thought, at what the inuyokai said about her. What more could she be?

Arriving at the cave, he let out a menacing growl at anyone who glanced their way. She wasn't decent. He wouldn't let anybody else see her like this. Walking swiftly to the back of the cave, he hesitated before stepping forward into the farthest cave. His cave. The alpha's cave. He was only supposed to be back here. The only other that was supposed to come back here was his mate...

"Kagome," he murmured to himself before shaking his head of the thought. Maybe it would protect her... if he marked her. Was this really all because of her scent? He gave a sigh as he quickly laid her down onto his fur pelted bed. He gulped, his eyes roaming down her bare body, before giving a slight shiver. Pulling one of the pelts up and over her, he pressed his palm against her forehead, frowning. She was sweating yet shivering like she was freezing. What was happening? Maybe... Kagome would be able to help her. He pulled her now loose hair up out of her face, pulling it back into a ponytail. Picking a strand hair up, he rubbed it between his fingertips. Soft...

"I'll get you help," he murmured, before hesitantly placing a kiss against her forehead. She murmured something unintelligible underneath her breath, before she let out a small gasp. "I'll be back quickly... I promise."

He hesitated before quickly making his way back to the village. Hopefully she was still there. He didn't know what else to do... if it wasn't for what he did earlier in the day... this wouldn't have happened. She wouldn't have run out like that... She..... He promised he'd protect her.

He growled, clenching his fists tightly as he began to run as fast as he could towards the village.

"Where's Kagome?" he growled urgently, racing towards the old woman's hut.

"What do you want now, flea bag?" Inuyasha barked out, jumping off the roof of the hut.

"I need Kagome, not you!" he yelled back, arms crossed," Where is she?"

"She doesn't belong to you!" the half demon yelled, blocking his entrance into the hut.

"Move, dog," he growled behind clenched teeth, his face inches away from the half demon's.

"Inuyasha, what's going on?" Kagome's voice sounded closer as she peeped her head out the door.

"Koga? What's up? How's Rosemary?" she said happily, bouncing forward but stopped at the look on his face.

"Koga?" she got quiet, fearing the look in his eyes," What happened? Is Rosemary okay?"

"I....," he cleared his throat," I don't know."

"Please," he pleaded, taking her hands in his," Please..."

"Inuyasha, I'm going with Koga," Kagome didn't even hesitate. Her voice was full of authority as she ran in and grabbed her backpack.

"Like hell you are!" Inuyasha yelled at her as she started to climb onto Koga's back.

"Hey!" he growled, and pulled her towards him.

"Inuya-," she started to protest but stopped when he crouched down in front of her.

"Get on," he mumbled underneath his breath.

"Come on, Koga!" she yelled at his frozen figure before he took off after them, racing ahead and back to the cave.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2019 ⏰

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