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We have a few rules here regarding on how to do this whole thing, so let's get to it.

1. Don't call someone's book horrible, horrific, terrible, etc. I know this sounds like a basic, obvious rule, but you'd be surprised how much it's not followed. Authors work hard to make a plot, to create a story to satisfy others. I mean good lord we write every single word. Every. Single. One. That's crazy, right? So, I'm sorry if my clumsy behind happens to make a few mistakes, but that doesn't mean you can't tell them. Rule three goes more in detail. 

 2. For the love of sugarnuggets. Please. Please, check your grammar before you decide to pair up with someone and have them read you're story. Did you see that? Yeah. I just put you're instead of your. Isn't that irritating?

 3. Constructive criticism is definitely welcomed, but don't take it to far. This rule mainly applies to number one. You can't just call someone's story bad, that's rude and aggressive. You should comment on what they can do to approve on as writers instead. 

4. Here's another common sense one. Read people's stories. Like actually read them. I hate it when I put all my effort into helping them and they do nothing in return. If their book is solid on grammar, then look at other things like description, plot, writing style, where the story is boring, etc. I'll put more details about this in the chapter called Advice.

5. You need to put at least 5 comments a chapter. Tag SFC on them too, so that way, if someone claims they didn't get them, I can personally look over it. Sorry to interrupt, but the password is the number of letters (not underscore, or numbers) in your username. You're only allowed to put one lol comment, or something short like that. The rest have to be one sentence. Also, one of your comments has to be a mini-review (3+ sentences). So in total, you should have around 7-10 sentences a chapter.

6. You can only have three books to provide feedback with at the same time. This rule is here so you don't overwhelm yourself.  When you're giving feedback, I want you to be focused on the book, therefore you can only do three at a time. This will be explained more in the chapter How This Works.

7. Last one guys. I want y'all to have fun! Get to know each other and help each other out!

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