How This Works

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Once you're an accepted member, I'll put your name on the chapter with your genre. You can skim through all the genres you like and read people's book descriptions. The form below is what it'll look like on the chapters. Please continue reading after it, so you can understand what's going on.

Username: aar_lyn

Title of Book: For the Sake of Love

Genre: Chicklit

Chapters: 22

Description: (Insert description)

Warnings: None

Focuses You Want for Feedback: I would like you to focus on grammar. I tend to struggle with that, but if you find something else that needs to be changed, don't hesitate to tell me.

Mature Content (Will you read it): I will.

Reading preferences: Anything besides horror. 



On hold

Exchanges completed: 2 chapters with *insert their username* on *insert their title*

Above is how your forms will look on the chapters with your genres. Now, I'm going to explain what the last section represents.

Requests- Once you find a book that fits your taste on one of the chapters, you'll inline comment on the word requests. The only reason you should incline comment here on someone else's story, is because you find it interesting and want to exchange feedback with them. The word requests will always be in bold. When you inline comment, you need to state the following:

Their username, your username, title of your book, genre, a description, and how many chapters you want to do for feedback. If you don't understand what I mean when I said, "how many chapters you want to do for feedback" I mean what amount do you want to read and review of their chapters, and them the same for you.

Remember, the person you send this to has the right to decline or accept your request. Now if you're the one who got the request as said before you can say yes or no. No matter what your answer is, you need to reply to them with either yes or no.

Accepted (always in italics)- This means two things.

1) You've accepted someone's request.

2) Someone else has accepted your request.

If you're in situation number one, this means you've agreed to exchange feedback with the writer you accepted. If this is your situation, you inline comment on the word accepted of your form the person's username (the one you agreed to exchange feedback with) and title of their book.

If you're in situation number two, this means the request you sent out has been accepted, and the to of you are now exchanging feedback. If this is your situation, you inline comment on the word accepted of your form the person's username (the one who accepted your request to exchange feedback) and title of your book.

On hold (always underlined)-

You're only allowed to do have three books to read at a time. This means, you can only have three other books to provide feedback at once. Now, if a person sends you a request while you have three books, and you want to accept it, then you reply with something like, "Sorry I have three books already, but I'm almost done with one. Can you wait until next week?" Once you send this inline comment their username and title of their book on "On hold".

Now, if your the person who received the message, "Sorry I have three books already, but I'm almost done with one. Can you wait until next week?" then you also report this to "On hold". When you put in on your form's On hold, you need to put the other person's username and title of their book.

Exchanges completed-

When you've completed an exchange you report it here. You put the other person's username, title, and how many chapters you exchanged. This is so the person you exchanged chapters with knows your done. 

Last thing:

I won't be uploading this weekly, or monthly like other book clubs. I'm sorry I'm still in high school and I'm in sports and band. Instead, I'm doing deadlines. The day you have accepted or have been accepted is when this deadline starts. You get one month, one month (to be even more clear, thirty days) to do the amount of chapters you agreed on and put your five comments on each chapter. 

If someone doesn't finish within the deadline please PM me. 

I already know this is hard to understand, so if you need help PM me or comment here.

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