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Jacky: Hello people who I will kill later on. We have a new girl notice I bolded girl. YAY I finally have a friend named Ashe. Say hi Ashe.

Ashe: Um.......hi.

Jack: Hey

Everyone else: Hey

Ben: Sup girl. Im ben. We should a hang out sometime

Ashe: Um..........

Jeff: Ben stop you can tell shes weirded out.

Ashe: Thanks Jeff

Jeff: Hold on. Ben you can tell shes weirded out by the thought of dating you. I can tell she wants to just date me.

Slender: Guys Guys stop it. She wants me.

Ashe: Um.........*whispers to jacky* whats happening right now?

Jacky:*whispers back* I got this. *grabs Ashe and pulls her behind her* Guys stop I can see you all are weirding her out. Now stop it. *turns to Ashe* Sorry about that. They were like that when I first came.

Ashe: Its ok. I'm just not used to it but I can n defend my self. See. *Pulls out weapon* See.

Jacky: Cool my only weapon is my self. Because im a shadow so ya.

Ashe: Cool.


Hey guys sorry about the short chapter I have writers block and a lot of stuff happened this morning. My mom went non concuois and she fell before that and so shes at the hospital and we are going to the hospital as im writing this so ya but the ppl at the vet for humans said she had a seizure and she didnt remember anything but shes ok now so I stayed home today. But anyway sorry guys.

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