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Jacky: Hello ppl I'm Jacky Gray. I'm here with a couple of my friends.

Jack: Hey guys. I'm Jacky's boyfriend. Don't even talk to her, if you do I will kill you.

Jacky: Aw that's so sweet Jack.

Jack: I luvs you Jacky.

Jacky: I luvs you too Jack.

Slender and Jeff: Ahem guys stop being disgusting and introduce us already!

Jacky: Oh ya right. Sorry about that guys. We also have Slender and Jeff  The Killer.

Slender: Hello people.

Jeff : Sup ppl.

Jacky: Also we have smile dog and Eyeless Jack.

Smile Dog: I want to kill you.

Eyeless Jack: Hi.

Jacky : Also Ben Drowned.

Ben: *Playing video game* Hey.

Jacky: Ok so did I forget anyone...... No? Ok lets get started.

Slender: What we gonna do today Jacky?

Jacky: I don't know Slender.  But just so I know I'm not alone...... does any one else get tht strange feeling they want to go out into the shadows and kill or is it just me?

Everyone: Yes but except for the lurking in shadows part cause thats kinda your thing.

Jack: Ya because you know your the daughter of a shadow and shtuff.

Jacky : Ya. *Flips black shadow hair out of face and puts on her hood*

Jack: Every time you do that you are even more cute then ever.

Jacky : *Blushes* Thx Jack.

Slender, Jeff, Ben,  Eyeless Jack,  and Smile Dog : EW GROSS!!!

Jacky: *Goes and kisses Jack on the cheek*

Jack: *Kisses Jacky back*


Jacky and Jack:*Pull away from each other akwardly and embarrassed* Sorry guys.

Jeff : Even I didn't do that in my relation ship.

Jacky : Dude that only lasted a week or 2.

Jeff : Shut up.  I still didn't do it.

Jack : Hey dont talk to my girlfriend like that.

Jacky : Dudes its ok. It's good. I'm fine.

Jack : ok but it still wasn't nice.

Jacky : Dude wat do you know about nice. You sing a child a song and then kill them by taking out their organs and stuffing them with candy. 

Jack: You are soooooooo hot when you get mad.

Jacky: I know thats why I do it.

Slender: Guys and girl cut it out.

Jacky: ok. I wish we had another girl here. I'm kinda lonely. I need some 1 to have girl talk with.

Jack: I'm sure some 1 will come by and I'm sure it will be a girl you can talk to.

Jacky: I hope so. I'm really lonely.

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