The Akwardness

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ashe: Um hey guys I'm going to fill in for Jacky because she went with Jack for their 5 month anniversary and they are gonna be gone for at least 3 to 4 days 2 at the least but ya so they are at a abandoned cabin in the woods at Hawaii so please be nice to me. But if you are asking no they are not sleeping together Jacky is in the shadows and Jack is some where I can't determine.

Jeff: (Whispers to slender and ben) Ok guys I'm going to ask her about it or should I wait for her to make the move?

Slender and Ben:(Whispers back) No dude you gotta make the first move and make sure to comment on her weapon. Chics dig that and when you do you will have her wrapped around your finger.

Ashe:What are you boys talking about over there?

Jeff: (Goes to walk up to Ashe and give her a kiss when she leasts expects it) Nothing but um you have something on your lips let me get it.

Ashe: Um.................Ok then (sticks out lips a if about to give a kiss)

Jeff:(Smiles at Ashe and goes to kiss her and makes it and even though he knows she is disguted he loves it and kisses her with more love and holds her. His hands on the sides of her head and playing with her hair by twirling it in between his fingers.)

Ashe: ( Is really disgusted and mad at jeff but then begins to get this feeling inside of her which was a little bit of love and a little bit of hared and a little bit of anger. She pulls away quickly and fixes her hair and wipes the blood off of her face) Why wuld you do that if you knew I didn't love you back?

Jeff: You didn't say you truly hated me which means you like me.

Ashe : Dude look I like you as a friend but after that I like you a bit more but don't make a big deal about it ok.

Jeff : Yes I knew you'd like me after that.

Ashe: Ok you know what we gotta go so bye everyone.


Hey everyone sorry about the lovey dovey chapter but I figured this book needed more love in it and next chapter I plan on having it at Jacky's POV ok so bye.

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