When I Think on Thee Dear Friend...

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Even though Spock’s face was calm on the outside, Spock wanted to scream on the inside.

“Spock, we’ve got to tell him,” McCoy snapped as he rounded on Spock like a monkey on a cupcake. “Well?” McCoy asked again, eyes bulging.

Both of them were so engaged in their confrontation with each other that they failed to notice when Kirk entered the room. Kirk casually leaned up against the doorframe and examined his nail beds, as if had never seen then. McCoy jumped when he turned around and saw Kirk standing there. “How long have you been there?” McCoy snapped irritably, for he didn’t like it when people took him by surprise, it made him feel old and pokey.

Kirk looked up innocently, pushed himself off the doorway and took a step closer to McCoy and Spock, “Long enough to know you two have something to tell me.” Kirk said casually.

McCoy looked over at Spock, “You tell him.”

Spock looked bored, “Doctor, I will leave the honor to you.”

McCoy opened his mouth to say something, but Kirk cut him off, “For God’s sake, somebody better tell me now.”

McCoy sighed, “Jim, you better sit down.”

Kirk felt a feeling of dread ball up in his stomach as he sat down. McCoy looked at Jim and smiled, “Don’t worry, Jim, it’s good news.”

Kirk nodded and said, “Proceed.” And proceed McCoy did as he and Spock told him the story of his niece. After they were through, Kirk stared at them both in wonder. “Well, what are you two doing just standing around? Get her in her now.” Kirk said his voice full of excitement.

McCoy walked over to the intercom, “Security, please bring Robin to my office at once.”

Robin was packing her few meager belongings when a security officer entered the room. “Miss Kessler, Doctor McCoy wishes to see you right away.”

As Robin entered McCoy’s office, she didn’t see Kirk until Spock stepped away from the front of his chair. For a moment she stood frozen to the spot, for this was James T. Kirk, her uncle. Robin continued to stare, memorizing every feature, the gaunt cheekbones, the smiling hazel eyes, and the lock of unruly hair that hung over his forehead.

Kirk stared at the young girl in front of him, she had Sam’s eyes, his mother’s hair, and his father’s coloring.  Feeling overwhelmed and not knowing what to say, Kirk knelt down and held out his arms. Robin only hesitated a moment and then she ran to Kirk, burying her face against his chest. “It’s okay,” Kirk said as he gently smoothed down her hair.

McCoy motioned to Spock and they quietly left the room. Once outside of the room, McCoy sniffed. “Damn, sinuses.” McCoy said as he wiped a tear from his eye, waiting for Spock to make a smart ass comment. When none came McCoy looked over at Spock and was surprised to see that Spock’s eyes were watering as well. “I’ll be damned,” McCoy thought and was about to comment on Spock’s small display of emotion; however when he looked back Spock’s eyes were dry.

“What is it, Doctor?” Spock asked calmly.

McCoy opened his mouth, then shut it for just a moment as he and Spock  stood silently together.

Kirk and Robin talked and talked, sometimes interrupting each other with, “Hey, me too, and that’s where I get that, I hate pickles too, your favorite color is gold, mine too.” Kirk told Robin about her father and her half-brother Peter and Robin told Kirk about her mother. Kirk thanked Robin for attempting to rescue him and Robin told him how she and Winston had almost pulled off the sabotage of the Enterprise. When they had both talked themselves out Kirk put in a call to Starfleet, asking permission to take Robin and Winston, straight to Vulcan, instead of Starbase 11.

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