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The rain pitter-patters against the window panes with a soft bubblegum pink and the wind howls softly outside - like a wolf against the full moon.

She rubs her eyes and gives a rather large yawn as she pushes the heavy blankets off her body rather reluctantly. The wooden floor is cold in the winter and she trembles a little as the air seeps through her pyjamas. She is not happy to be up but they must go.

Mamochka had said that Tony had her new leg ready for her. Besides, they have overstayed their visit in Moscow. The contract for the apartment stated two months and the Romanovas had already stayed for three.

Her metal leg that reminds her so much of Papochka creaks a little as she tiptoes towards the redhead whilst clutching the doll in her hand. Grabbing the neat pile of clothes that sits on the seat next to Natasha, she pulls the clothes on quickly and shakes her mother's arm when she begins to struggle with the zip of her rather large coat.

The pair leave the apartment silently, almost tip toeing as they carry their bags down the dingy stairs of the building, shutting the front door behind them without even a creak. 

Evgenia Yakovlevna Romanova creeps after her mother as quietly as she can - although it's not very quiet because under her boots, the fresh snow crunches with a pale blueish purple. She slips a little on a particularly slippery step when they turn the corner and head into the dark alley where the quinjet hovers restlessly over the snowy ground.

The back door of the aircraft opens when they near it. From inside, Steve Rogers stands with hands in his pockets while Sam Wilson gives a little wave to the child who raises her hand eagerly at her friend in response.

'Ev, Nat,' the Captain reaches a hand to take the duffle bag covered in a little snow from the girl.

'The lead?' Natasha wastes no time in asking.

'Went cold a couple of miles in,' Sam says, now seated at the controls of the jet.

Zhenya breathes a sigh of disappointment at the news. She rubs her thumb against the smooth metal of her right leg as she crosses it under her left. She had hoped that this would be the one to bring them closer to finding Papa, but it seemed that there was still no luck.

'Maybe I can help? Maybe I can come to one of the raids?' She asks, her Russian accent even stronger than when she had left America. 


'But Mama please, optusti menya. Ya byl zdes', ya mog by pomoch'.' She's slipped back into her native tongue in her frustration.

'Evgenia, net,' Natasha says firmly, tone leaving no room for argument as she turns towards Sam.

The child sighs in annoyance. She understood why Mama wouldn't let her go to the raids. It was too dangerous for the former HYDRA assassin to go back to the bases that they held her at. But it had been months since Steve and Sam had started looking for Papochka and Zhenya grew restless and worried.

The conversation of the three adults buzzes in her ear as Evgenia shifts her position and rests her chin on the knee of her flesh leg, pouting a little. She doesn't notice herself drifting off but when she opens her eyes again, Sam stands in front of her, brown eyes burning into her blue ones.

She jumps. 'Kakoga cherta!'

The dark skinned man lets out a loud chuckle at her surprise. 'Come on kid, we're here. I think Stark's waiting for you with your new leg.'

Zhenya hops off the bench, her leg creaking once more as she takes her steps down the ramp and into the interior of the Avengers' Tower.

The floors of the building reflect the sunlight that shines in from the large windows. The elevator door opens with a sharp red ding! as the four of them step inside.

A dull yellow voice fills the lift as JARVIS greets them. 

Evgenia has been to the tower several times although she still cannot get used to the AI. He's nice enough and helps her when she gets lost around the building, but the lack of physical presence puts her on edge. 

The elevator stops at the 87th floor and she steps out and hurries down the wide corridor to one of the labs. 

Tony Stark sits with his back turned to the door, swiveling around on a chair as he fiddle with the prosthetic. The sound of her uneven gait has him turning around to face her, a small smile of his face as he gets up to ruffle her curls. She pulls away in slight annoyance and fixes her hair so the strands don't dangle in her face.

'New leg,' he swings the prosthetic in front of her. 'It won't creak even if you spill hot cooking oil on it.'

'It was an accident Tony,' she protests.

'Ok yeah, leg up kiddo. And sit down.' He pushes the chair towards her and kneels in front of her. She swings her bionic leg up onto his knee as he grabs a box of tools that lie under the chair. 

It takes a little over an hour before her new leg is fitted perfectly to the socket and doesn't malfunction when she tries to walk or give her a strange gait.

'Ok you're good to go. Lemme know if the toes fall off or something.'

'Thanks Tony.'


The nightmare is different tonight.

He sees Evgenia dancing in the moonlight. He sees her turn around and the innocent expression on her face become dark and murderous.

But then she disappears, and a woman stands before him. She's frighteningly similar in appearance to Zheni with her coiled hair and brown skin. But there was a bullet hole in her temple. Zhenochka didn't have that.

The woman smiles at him.

'Yakov,' she says.

The next morning, he wakes up with sweat dripping down his face and tears stinging his eyes. 


special update in honour of the phase 4 announcement. i'm so fucking excited for black widow, the falcon and winter soldier and LADY THOR. I'M GONNA LOSE IT. vusjbv and SHANG CHI as well, LOVE THAT REP FOR ME FBSUJDKN. and also sebastian posted today and i'm getting a little concerned because he's posted six times in a month. seb blink twice if you're being held captive.

don't forget to vote and comment!

*to answer any questions about evgenia's name change; yakovlevna means daughter of yakov, the russian version of james and it was changed because nikolaevna was a name given by the red room and since she has a dad it's only fitting that she uses his name. romanova is the proper russian of romanoff.

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