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The news about Sho kun, who was just woken up from his long sleep, shocked the martial arts world of Boybands around Japan (okay perhaps writer sounds a bit exaggerating lol). All talents in Johnny Entertainment were overwhelmed and happy. Especially the Juniors, they are so happy to find out that their honorable and dear Senpai had opened his eyes again. Not only those who are happy. Sho's colleague in News Zero and all the celebrities who were guests at VS Arashi and Arashi Ni Shiyagare and all of his colleagues and friends of all Arashi members, all jumped happily when they heard the news.

That day, the JE office was surrounded by reporters who wanted to cover the news. All busy, managers from various camps also all famous talents. They were so enthusiastic about giving their own comments in front of the camera.

"Ueda san! Ueda san! Your response regarding Sho kun, please just a moment!"

A reporter hunts down Ueda, one of the Kattun members who just left the JE building. Ueda finally stopped, taking time aside of his busy schedules to comment.

"Of course we are all happy. If only we could visit Aniki. But it seems that Aniki Sakurai San's room would not fit if all of Kohai visited at once," Ueda said rather jokingly, but then he put on a serious face and continued his words.

"I hope that Aniki will quickly recover completely and be able to return to his activities." That was the last word came from Ueda, then he rushed to the parking lot. It looked like someone was waiting with luggage, apparently there was a shooting schedule waiting for this rather fierce looking Kattun member.

If only you turned on the TV that time, maybe almost all stations reporting about the news regarding to positive developments from The Shadow leader who had started to wake up from a long sleep.

"Hello, hello !! Ninomiya san ?? !!" Someone shouted from afar behind those speaker from kazu's hand phone as soon as Kazu picked it up, making him automatically placed the cell phone away from his ear while grimacing.

"Yes ?! Who is this ?!" Ask Kazu

"This is me! How come you forget my voice?!" This person answered.

"Aaaahhh Muro san!" Kazu said responding,

'Uh, why doesn't he call J? Is he the chum? ' Kazu thought, in puzzled.

"Did you just know? Didn't J give you the news?" Kazu asked back.

"I've tried to call but he didn't pick it up, Do you know where he is?!"

"Huh? What?" Kazu said in surprise.

Kazu widened his eyes, unconsciously distancing his hand phone from his ear.

"Hello ... ?? Ninomiya san ?? Halooooo ..." click! And Kazu closed his phone without realizing it.

Kazu had just realized he ended up his conversation with Muro san. However, it seemed that he didn't care much. He felt something weird had just happened. He turned back his handphone on and dialed a number and put it on his ear. 

'Come on J, pick it up...' mumbled Kazu as he was waiting for the long ring to be connected to J.

Then he lowered his phone and turned it off.

"He didn't pick it up," Whispered Kazu with his eyebrows frowned.

Next he tried to reach the eldest onisan. Ah! He picked it up!

"Mosh mosh.." Somebody answered in half drowsy voice.

"Riida... Did J call you? Or perhaps have you called J recently?" barged Kazu in quite haste intonation as he found out that Ohno the Leader finally picked up the phone.

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