What you don't know pt14

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Scrunching his face into the pillow Sweeney Todd slowly began to wake up. His head felt so clouded and sore like he had been hit over the head with a brick or something. Grumbling into the pillow he realised that he wasn't in his own bed. He frowned not lifting his head just yet but noticed the flowery design on the sheets. Mrs Lovett.

He could smell her perfume against the sheets now and suddenly last night began coming back to him. He had been drinking, drinking a lot it would seem. What happened exactly he couldn't remember but as he slowly began to lift himself up he noticed she wasn't there beside him. Maybe she had left earlier this morning?

Sitting up right in her bed he placed his sore head in his hands. He felt so guilty about getting drunk. The news of Mrs Lovett's pregnancy had him caught in a whirlwind last night. However with a slightly more clear head he was beginning to come to terms with the idea. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all. Although it would be another scandal if people were to find out the baker was pregnant and was not married. They would ruin her...

Lifting the covers he noticed he was fully dressed. They hadn't slept together then, odd. The glass of water by the bed had him smiling to himself, he knew she must have left that there for him. Taking a few gulps of the water he placed it back down and ran both hands through his thick wavy hair pulling it away from his face before heading towards the door.

As he carefully creeped out of her bedroom he stopped in his tracks seeing Mrs Lovett sound asleep on the settee. He frowned deeply wondering what she was doing there.

Closing her bedroom door as quietly as he could he headed over to the settee and crouched down in front of her. She looked so peaceful laying on her side with her hands tucked under her head. However what he didn't understand was why he was in the comfort of her bed and she was out here. He hoped to god he wasn't the reason she was sleeping out here. She was pregnant and therefore shouldn't be sleeping on an uncomfortable settee.

Carefully he moved a red stray curl for her face which stirred her slightly. Her eyes began to flicker open and she noticed Sweeney crouched down in front of her. It was then that she remembered she was on the settee and not in her soft bed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you" he whispered watching as she closed her eyes again sleepily. To be honest she didn't have a good nights sleep, the settee wasn't the comfiest of places.

"You didn't sleep out here because of me did you?" He asked her softly.

Licking her dry lips she didn't bother to open her eyes when she responded to him. "Ya took up the whole bed....ya passed out, couldn't move ya me'self so decided to sleep ere instead" she explained her voice groggy from the lack of sleep.

His stomach twisted with guilt. He was foolish enough to get so drunk last night that it resulted in his pregnant partner having to sleep out here on this tiny settee. He knew it wasn't easy for a woman to sleep anyway when they were pregnant let alone not in the warmth of their own bed.

"Eleanore I'm sorry...that was unfair of me" he sounded sincere and apologetic and for that she opened her eyes to look at him. He never apologised for anything, therefore she knew he meant it. Mrs Lovett also noticed he went back to calling her Eleanore which was still rather proper for her liking. She wanted him to call her Nellie, she wished he would break down that barrier of his and fully commit to her.

"How are you feeling?" She asked still worried about him even now. She knew she was a pathetic mess around him, she always thought of herself to be a strong woman but when it came to Sweeney she was a nervous wreck. He made her soft and a complete push over at times...

"Heads sore but other then that ok.." he responded. "Can I do anything to make it up to you Pet?" He asked feeling guilty for being the reason she was sleeping on the settee.

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