What you don't know pt19

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Sweeney's eyes widened slightly at his son hearing Nellie's angry voice from downstairs of their home. George, their 12 year old son had snuck away from the chores his mother left for him only to get a few barbering lessons from his father. George was exactly like Sweeney in every way but also was his mothers son. He wanted to be as skilful as his father and had watched him with his customers, gaining him a few lessons on barbering.

Sweeney had told George to forget about the housework Nellie had left for him and to come practice on him. His wife had popped out for some groceries and so Sweeney took it on himself to steal their son away for an hour or two.

They were now living on the outskirts of Blackpool and never looked back on London. They had a home just a mile away from the sea which had pleased Nellie as it had always been her dream to live close to the sea and sand. Their home was small but perfect for them as they didn't need a lot of room considering it was only the three of them. Sweeney continued barbering and owned a shop just above their home much like the one in London. Days of murdering men were behind him now and so he went back to taking it up professionally and building a great reputation for himself.

Nellie had given up meat pies and settled for making scones and deserts that she took to sell at the market twice a week. Business was good, money was coming in and the three of them were happy.

George was named after Nellie's father but also held the name Theodore after Sweeney's father. When she had given birth to his son Sweeney had been the happiest he had ever been, he never realised just how much he had wanted a boy until he was presented with one. They were extremely close, he wanted George to take on the business one day which George was excited about as he loved barbering with a passion.

However today Nellie had left a list of things she needed done around the house while she was out. But Sweeney only had an hour off before his next customer would arrive and so told George to practise shaving on him. He was good and would only be better with a little bit of time.

"Nothings been done" George said worriedly hearing his mothers boots clopping up the stairs from outside. Sweeney knew she would be angry, it wasn't the first time he distracted their son with barbering lessons when she had needed him herself.

"Don't worry" he said removing the shaving cream from his face with a towel. He placed his hand on his sons shoulder supportively just as Nellie flung the door open and stomped in. The bell chimed above her loudly and the door banged against the wall as she waltzed in.

"Should ave bloody known you'd be behind this!" She snapped glaring at her husband before marching over and pulling George up from the chair he was sat in before pushing him towards the door. "I expect that list to be completed by this afternoon now go on before ya get a clip round the ear"

"Yes mum" he hurried out of the shop and raced down the stairs. He knew it was a bad idea to leave his housework.

Turning round she threw her hands to her hips and stared at Sweeney. "Ya realise ya daughters comin' ere next week and our home is a state, ya can't keep distracted e'm when I need his help..."

"I had a spare hour Pet, you know it's hard for me to find time with him...or you with business being so busy" he said standing up from his chair and over to her. He smirked when she just pouted like an annoyed toddler. It was true, his bookings were constant and his work life was hectic. She never really saw him anymore...

"Forgive me?" He teased running his hands around her tight corset pressing sweet kisses to her jawline and neck.

Rolling her eyes she gave in to his kisses "Sweeney" she moaned when his hands dropped further and his kisses more seductive.

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