Chapter 5: Being a Face

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At Io's hotel room.

Io: So you wanna be a Face, well you've come to the right person.

Luka: I hope it's easy, because me being a Heel was much more fun and I display the villain but wrestling.

Io: Well, a Face is the hero which is the opposite of a Heel, don't you worry I'll teach you, just follow my steps.

Luka: Okay, what's the first step, teacher Io.

She giggles.

Io: Well for a Face turn you need to save or help a wrestler from being attacked by Heels, or standing up to a Heel like how you did yesterday with Shayna, or congratulating another Face for victory or winning a title.

Luka: Got that, next?

Io: Next you need to practice some heroic lines, like how you did with Shayna again.

Luka: I have a bunch of lines inside my mind.

Io: How about you tell a few.

Luka: OK.

Luka then clears his throat.

Luka: "You know that because of you're ruthless aggression has made you walk the different path and you have plummeted to the darkness that consumes you from you're insides".

Io: OK how about another one.

Luka: " Me and that entire locker room are tired of you're bullying and I came here to stand up for all of those people in the back".

Io: Great, one more and our lesson is over.

Luka: "NXT universe I would like to thank you for all you're support which made me become the champion I am".

Io: You're learning quick.

Luka: What can I say, I'm a quick learner.

Io: That concludes our lesson for today.

Luka: OK, let's head to bed I'm tired.

Io: Sure.

Luka then falls quickly asleep and Io giggles.

Io: "In Japanese" (in her mind)- "You know what Luka, I think starting to have a crush for you, you will soon find out my truth".

Io then falls asleep in his chest.

1 week later.

At the NXT headquarters.

The boys we're at the catering.

Matt: Bro, I can't believe that actually Headbutted Shayna last week.

Johnny: That actually was huge crowd reaction you got and you haven't got a month get that kind of a reaction.

Luka: Yeah, but that made me a Face, and plus besides no one even likes Shayna here.

Matt and Johnny: Agreed.

Luka: So what are you guys up to tonight?

Johnny: You haven't read the schedule? It's us three vs the Forgotten Sons in a 3vs3 tag match.

Luka: Sweet and I'll show you all my moves.

Matt: I like to see what you got man.

At the girls table.

Candice: So how is it with Luka?

Io: It's OK, he wanted me to teach him how to be a face and I showed him and he learned it quickly.

Dakota: He's never been a Face? That's so sad.

Io: Anyways what are you guys up to?

Candice and Dakota: Nothing.

Io: Well I have a match against Aliyah of the Highers.

Candice: Should be easy for you.

Io: Well I gotta go, see you guys later.

At Backstage.

Vanessa: Remember, you have a match against Io Shirai and she's not be taken lightly.

Aliyah: Oh don't worry, I'll be careful with this one. (In her mind)-"I'll show that Rey Mysterio knock off that Luka will be mine!"

Vanessa: Ready to go?

Aliyah: Yeah, let's get started.

At the arena.

Io's theme hits and the crowd boos her, she makes her appearance at the entrance and walks towards the ring ignoring the boos from the crowd and gets inside the ring and waits for her opponent. Then Aliyah's theme hits and earns unexpected cheers from the crowd (end tho she's heel), she and Vanessa appear at the entrance and make their way towards the ring and Aliyah gets inside and stares daggers at Io, and the bell rang, Aliyah kicked Io in the stomach and grabbed her and did Boujee Combo nailing Io to the floor, Aliyah climbed the roles and did Middle Rope Leg drop and pinned Io but she kicked out, Aliyah enraged and grabbed Io's arm and did Straight Jacket Choke.

Aliyah: Give up!

Io: Never!

Io grabbed her arm and broke the submission and Aliyah punched her and got up and used the ropes as boost to do a Big Boot, but Io grabbed her leg and got up and elbowed it causing Aliyah to fall down and Io kicked her in the face and pinned her but Vanessa put her leg in the ropes and referee saw it and ended the count, Io then climbed the turnbuckle and did a Moonsault but Aliyah avoided it and Io hit the ring, Aliyah got up and did Northern Lights Suplex and pinned Io, but she then changes it to a Arm Trap Crossface which made Aliyah tap out and her theme played and the crowd booed her.

Announcer: Here's you're winner... Io Shirai!!!

Then Shayna Baszler's theme hits and the crowd booed her as well, she and her allies came out and started marching towards the ring, but Luka came out of nowhere and the crowd cheers him while he stands and guards the entrance towards the ring, the three women we're shocked and we're frozen like statues and watched Luka tilt his head and showed his pointer finger and titled it. Shayna was enraged and went to him and wanted to punch him but he grabbed her arm and the crowd exploded, Shayna was more shocked and Io came out from the ring and stood by his side and the three women backed away and left the arena as Luka raised Io's arm in the air, then Johnny's theme hits and the crowd cheers, he came out and fist bumped with Luka, then Matt's theme hits and the crowd cheers again and he came out high fived with the two and the trio went inside the ring and waited for their opponents, the the Forgotten Sons theme hits and the crowd boos them as they appeared and made their way towards the ring and all six men stared at each other unl they all took their places.

Luka: Guys I'll start first.

Johnny: OK, go ahead.

Both Luka and Steve Cutler were standing at the ring unl the bell rang, and Steve tried to punch Luka, but he dodged it and grabbed Steve did Ancient Dominator, then he went towards him and did Bend Will and pinned him but he kicked out, then Luka grabbed him and put him on his shoulders and did Endless Enlightenment and tag Johnny which grabbed Steve and did his signature DDT and pinned him but Blake Wesley broke the count and then all men came out and started brawling with brute force which the referee had no choice but ring the bell and end the match, Luka and Matt both did their Suplexes and Johnny did Gargano Escape on Jaxson Ryker before the three men threw the Forgotten Sons out of the ring and all three men left the ring while the trio stood tall and raised their arms in the air of victory.

At backstage.

Luka: And I defended you again.

Io: And I'm thanking you for that.

Luka: Nice match by the way.

Io: Thanks, and yours but in ended in a no result.

Luka: It's OK, let's go home.

Io: Sure, let's go back.

Okay guys that's chapter 5 and number 6 is tomorrow.

Peace out!

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