Chapter 10: Pete Dunne vs Roderick Strong

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At the NXT headquarters.

Luka was in catering with Johnny,Matt, and Tyler.

Luna: Guys, who is excited for Takeover next week?

Johnny: You bet we are, I can finally settle my score with Adam Cole for the NXT title.

Tyler: All of us are Luka.

Matt: Especially you, because you are fighting against three other elite stars in NXT.

Luka: That should've been the Main Event, but not to be arrogant but I'm happy for you Johnny that you are in the Main Event.

Johnny: Well, thanks.

Luka: So what's going on with you guys lately?

Matt: I got to prepare against Killian Dain for next week.

Tyler: I got a match against Jaxon Ryker of the Forgotten Sons.

Johnny: I got nothing in my table, what about you Luka?

Luka: Well, William told me that after Pete vs Roderick ends, me and Velveteen will invade the ring, Pete will do Bitter End to Dream and I will do a Suplex and knock him out of the ring and grab Dream's title and raise it in the air as my theme plays.

Matt: You got a ton of stuff man.

Luka: Speaking of, the match is almost done and time to invade some scrubs, goodbye.

He left catering and met with Io backstage.

Luka: Hey genius, what's up?

Io: Oh, nothing usual. Just the same thing. I have to prepare for my Takeover match against Candice.

Luka puts his hand on her shoulder.

Luka: Listen Io, you two can still be friends but attacking her was probably the biggest mistake you've made thus far, but I believe that you two can reunite, and I strongly believe that you can beat her, just listen to your heart and it'll guide you.

Io then smiles.

Io: Thanks Luka.

She hugs him and kisses his forehead.

Luka: Now if you excuse me I have a match to invade, see you soon.

Io: OK, bye!

She waves at him while he leaves.

At the arena.

Pete and Roderick we're battling it out, but it came to a Bitter End (no pun intended) to Roderick when Pete did Bitter End and pinned him and won the match as the crowd cheered and his theme played. While the referee raised his arm Dream sneakily entered the ring  and Pete saw it and turned to face Dream, and Dream did his usual pose and Pete grabbed his right hand and snapped his fingers and grabbed him and did Bitter End, then Luka out of nowhere came out and did Mark of Yugoslavia on Pete dazing him and sent him towards the ropes and Luka grabbed him and did Ancient Dominator and Pete was lying on the ring and Luka saw Dream on the ground and took the opportunity to grab his title and raise it on the air and yelled "Soon!" to the crowd as the crowd cheered to him and his theme played and he grabbed Dream's hand and he stood up and Luka gave him his title and gave him the "I am watching you" pose before he left the arena.

OK guys, this is chapter 10 and I really am looking forward for Takeover Toronto, I think that the Triple Threat for the North American title should've been the main event, but Johnny vs Adam is, tomorrow is 11.

Peace out!

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