Chapter 22: Preparing

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At Io's hotel room.

Io was sleeping but she slowly woke up only to find Luka nowhere the bed.

Io: Luka! Are you in the bathroom?

There was no answer. But she saw that there was note on his pillow, and it read.

"If your wondering where I am. I am off to the gym to prepare against a certain psychopath."

Io: So he's in the gym? Mind as well join him.

Io got dressed and left the to the gym. 10 minutes she made it and entered to find Luka practicing his moves with Johnny and Tyler. Tyler then charged at him but Luka grabbed him and did his Scoop Powerslam.

Tyler: Ouch! Man, your very feisty.

Johnny: Your taking this training seriously against Tommaso.

Luka: I'm preparing so hard and I am breaking him to pieces in a false count anywhere match.

Tyler: Can you go easy? That last Powerslam almost broke my spine.

Luka: I'll try. Now let's focus on my aerial move sets.

The two both groaned in exhaustion.

Io: There you are Luka.

Luka: Oh, morning Io. I see you found my note.

Io: Yes, and I see you are practicing very seriously, and that Powerslam was so loud.

Tyler: That's what I said.

Johnny: Care to join our practice.

Io: Why not, I wanna see all your tricks.

Luka: Great! Tyler, lay on the ground.

Tyler: Why?

Luka: So I can do a Moonsault on you.

Tyler: But-

Luka gave him a death glare.

Tyler: OK, I will.

He lays on the ground and Luka climbed the turnbuckle and performs Sanity has left the Building so acrobatic and squashed Tyler.

Io: Wow.

Johnny: Yeah, wow.

Luka: Johnny, lay on the ground for a 630 Senton.

Johnny then lays on the and Luka climbs again and did Last Stand and hit Johnny.

Luka: Did it hurt?

Johnny: A little bit.

Io: How about doing a 619?

Luka: I'd love to do it, but I'm not small, I'm 6'1.

Io: Just do it, please.

She gave him a puppy eyes look.

Luka: OK. OK. If I do it good then I Might add it to my arsenal.

Io: Good, I'll be your target-

Luka: Are you nuts? I ain't hitting you of all women! Tyler put your head on the ropes.

Tyler: OK, just don't do it hard.

Tyler then put his head on the ropes and Luka used the ropes for a boost and went through the ropes and grabbed the ropes to a 619 and hit Tyler directly in the face.

Tyler: Ouch man, you almost broke this gorgeous face.

Luka: Next time wear a mask.

Io laughed at his remarks

Johnny: Oooooohhh, you got layed Breeze.

Io: It was pretty funny, and nice 619 Luka.

Luka:Thanks, I came up with a name. I call it "The Last Laugh"

Johnny: Not a bad name.

Tyler: It's a good name.

Io: What should we do next?

Luka: Train more.

Johnny: Sure, I can practice some moves.

2 hours later.

Luka: Nice training guys.

Johnny: Tommaso won't know what will hit him.

Tyler: When is Takeover Boston?

Luka: 12th October.

Io: That's next week, and it will give me some me to train against Dakota till next Saturday.

Luka: OK, time to go in separate paths guys. Bye

Johnny: OK, see you next week man.

Tyler: Prince Preety out!

The two left.

Io: You know you could've ask me to come with you.

Luka: But I can't because I didn't want to.

Io: Now you have a new move which is Rey Mysterio's and also mine move.

Luka: You can call me a Copycat if you want to?

The two laughed.

Io: Care to join out for dinner.

Luka: How can I resist a promise such as this?

He kissed her right arm and kneels in front of her, while she ruffles with his hair.

Io: Great, now carry me.

Luka: Hey what do you think this is? Final Fantasy?

Io: Nope, I thought you'd love me?

Luka: I do love you genius, I'm just messing with you.

He kisses her cheek and carried her to their car.

OK guys, I'm back from vacation and I'm done with chapter 22 and tomorrow is 23.

Peace out!

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