Chapter 14: The Queen's demands

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At the NXT headquarters.

Luka: Johnny, nice work at Takeover, buddy.

Johnny: I know, but I didn't win the title, neither did you.

Matt: Yeah bro, but you really put up a good performance at Toronto.

Tyler: Yeah, and plus it looked like Toronto wanted you to win the title.

Luka: But alas, I didn't. I'm happy for Pat that he still is champion.

Matt: Guys, look at the screen. It's Baszler and the GM said they we're going to have a promo.

Io then comes to their table.

Io: Hey guys, what's-

Luka: Shush Io, Baszler has a promo to cut.

At the arena.

William Regal was standing in the ring and was waiting for Shayna. Then her theme hit and the crowd boos her, she and her fellow horsewomen appeared at entrance and made their way towards the ring.

William: Ladies and gentleman, as you can see the NXT women's champion Shayna Baszler has successfully defended her title against Mia Yim at Toronto.

The crowd boos.

Shayna: What can I say, she had a good story but it's not to impress me, because I'm still your NXT women's champion!

The crowd boos her and chant you suck.

William: Well for Takeover Brooklyn 5 your opponent will be Io Shi-

Shayna: Oh please, I don't want to fight that rat again, I'd beat her again and again!

At catering.

Io: "In Japanese"- Me a rat? I hope you get what you deserve after you are sent to he main roster.

Luka: Hey Io, chill out. Besides no one even likes her anyways.

At the arena.

Shayna: I fought every women on this roster, and I want something new.

William: Like what?

Shayna: You see, I have this thorn in my side ever since he made his debut last month, and I still remember the day he Headbutted me!

The crowd begins to cheer.

Shayna: You see William, at Takeover Brooklyn 5.. Give me Luka Gabriel!!!

The crowd cheers.

At catering.

Everyone we're shocked except Luka who is smiling.

Matt: Bro, she wants you.

Johnny: Man vs Woman, I highly doubt William will allow it.

Luka: I'll be back.

He then runs of to the gorilla

At the arena.

William: Sorry Ms Baszler, but we can't do Man vs Woman matches in NXT.

The crowd boos his decision and chant " We want Luka!" over and over.

Shayna: I want to fight him, he Headbutted me for no reason, he deserves to get his ass kicked and why not let me do it!

William: Well you see-

Luka's theme hits and the crowd cheers.

He appeared at the entrance with a microphone.

Luka: Shayna, you are offering me a challenge?

He chuckles.

Luka: I accept.

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