chapter 1

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Day #1


The elevator doors opened and i walked out with my bag on my shoulder and headed toward the stairs that were on the other side of the  large orange room. As I walked  past the endless amount of desks and agents, i couldnt help but stare at the grey wall that had in large MOST WANTED with pictures of what i assume are terrorists and mass murderers.
I was suddenly knocked out of my day dream, literally knocked. I accidently bumped into a silver haired man
Sorry sir
I responded he just stared and walked off, i shrugged it off and started walking up the stairs. I reached the top and walked past some huge lettering. MTAC.
Nice i thought
I walked into yet another orange room.
Can i help you?
I looked behind me thinking she was talking to someone else here to see the director
He'll be with you in a minute

I nodded and sat down patiently waiting
V:Ah Ms Valentine, im glad you made it
I looked to my right and the director was standing in the doorway. I got up to shake his hand.
J:Im glad to be here
V: please come in

I walked past him and into a room that had a small conference table, framed pictures of kickboxers on the wall and in the corner were some beverages.
V: So have you thought about my offer?
J: You know director Vance I have
V: and...
J: Ive decided to accept your job offer in Norfolk
V: I am glad to hear that, your background in the marines top of your class, even in university, you'll fit right in with your team
J: im sorry team?
V: You will be temporarily assigned to a team here until we get you sorted out
J: how long will i be in this team
V: Depends on how much paperwork the Department of Deffence has.
J: how long do you estimate sir?
V: If i had to guess i would say 6 months
I looked at the director with disbelief
V: c'mon seargent it's not that bad here,let me introduce you to your team

He directed me to the door, i walked past him and out the door, past his secretary and stopped at the stairs so he could lead the way. He walked past me and down the stairs, i was right behind him
A absolutely not
I thought to myself .
We got to the bottom of the stairs, the Director made a U-turn and walked to the first group of desks which i assumed was where i would be
V: McGee
A young-ish dude looked up from his computer and smiled
McG: Director, what brings you here
V: Remeber when I told you that there would be a transfer coming and that she would be working with your team for a while
McG: yes
V: This is Seargent Jessie Valentine, Ms Valentine this is McGee, senior field agent

The agent got up to shake my hand
I smiled and said hi, we both stopped when we looked at each other, i broke eye contact and he let go of my hand
Just then a blonde woman walked past and said Goodmorning to agent McGee, put her bag under her desk and sat down
V: this is agent Eleanor Bishop, the analyst
The woman looked up
B: so sorry i didnt see you there, Hi im Ellie Bishop
I smiled and shook her hand.

N:Yo, goodmorning team
I turned around and saw another agent, who's voice i recognized
J: Torres?
The agent looked in my direction and a smile grew on his face
N: Valentine?!
He walked over and gave me a huge hug
J: ah you son of a bitch , where've you been all these years
N: Undercover work here and there
We both started laughing
V: im guessing you two know each other
J: yeah we go way back, we were best friends in highschool.
N: that is until she left to go save the world
We started laughing again
A silver haired man walked right past me and to his desk
G: Grab your gear, we got a dead body
McG: where boss?
G: Rocky Creek, lets go

Everyone got up and grabbed their guns and badges

V: you better go with them
J:I thought i didnt start till next week
V: Take this is a learning experience, see how things are done
I put my bag down and ran after the other agents

The elevator doors closed

Heeeey, so I've decided to write this fan fic, cause i fucking love McGee
Hope you liked it,
Plz vote and comment what you think

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