2. they call her jennifer

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Nothing much happened this week. The excitement of coming back to school had already started to wear off by the second day and now everything was back to the same old system. Day after day of doing the same thing and going to the same place like mindless zombies. Oh well, only a few more years to go.

The new girl did eventually arrive later on in the day. And although almost the entire student body was buzzing about it I really didn't understand the fuss. She was just a regular teenager like themselves and from what I saw she seemed pretty average. Long brunette hair, pale skin, brown eyes, yeah, nothing special. I know right? So disappointing. Even though it's not like I had any expectations or anything.

I should have known she would be a big hit though. In such a small town like Beacon Hills everyone already knows each other. Its not often you get people visiting and it's always a shock when a whole new family moves in.

The girl -they call her Jennifer- turned out to be in every single one of my classes except p.e and I heard she was taking art instead. I figured she'd be one of those artsy hipster types that want to capture the beautiful essence of nature. I bet she runs a Tumblr with over 10k followers.

There was something weird about her though, like there was something different. I don't know what it was but it was the moment I first saw her. It felt like I was connected to her in some way, like I knew her from somewhere. I definitely felt something like never before; which is completely stupid. I'd never seen her before in my life. And besides, my life isn't some ridiculous cliche teen novel, things like that just don't happen.

So now here I am, walking home on a nice Friday afternoon after a long day of getting a great education. I turn onto my driveway and take my time, letting the soft breeze cool the sun blazing on my back. Before I even reach the front door it opens revealing my uncle Peter.

"Hey Derek," he smiles widely but his tone is mocking, "How was school? Isn't it nice being back? You finally have an excuse to leave the house."

"School was fantastic, thanks for asking," I reply sarcastically.

Peter steps aside so I can walk past. He closes the door behind me as I shrug off my bag and toss it away. Homework can wait I have better things to do; like eating. First things first, I walk into the kitchen and grab an apple. Then I go upstairs to my room so I can get ready.

I change out of my gross school clothes and put on my swag outfit. Everyone knows that to conquer the world all you need is a great outfit and everything will fall into place. Next I also find my cool bag to replace the plain one I use daily. Finally, I open my wardrobe searching for the one item to complete me. Finding it I pull out the golden shoebox and open it to reveal the most perfect pair of shoes ever. Pulling them on I walk out of my room and back down to the kitchen.

As I'm filling up my drink bottle my younger sister Cora enters the kitchen. She stops for a moment to study me then grabs a glass.

"What's with the get up Derek?" She says while shoving me out of the way to get water. "Why so fancy man? Your swag is killing me."

"Shut up Cora." I say, pushing her shoulder. "You know how this helps me get into the right attitude."

"I know, but personally I think it's hilarious. Are you leaving soon then? I want to go with you."

"I'm going as soon as you let me finish filling my bottle. And no, you can't come with me I want to be by myself today."

"Fine," she replies as she sets the glass down and steps back. "Your loss. I had some really cool sets planned."

"Yeah, whatever. Anyway bye I'm leaving now."

I screw the lid on the bottle and push it in my bag. Shoving my earphones into my ears, I rush out the door. I stretch out my legs a little to get ready then break out into a light jog. It would only take me a few minutes to get to my destination and this way I'm already warmed up.

I'm jamming along in my head to A Sky Full of Stars when I see a figure approaching in the distance. I make no big deal as I move to the side slightly to let them pass as I would for anyone.

"'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars." I sing softly to myself. "You're such a heavenly view."

"Hey thanks dude I appreciate it."

Startled I jump as I turn to the voice that came out of nowhere. Standing next to me is a tall, dark stranger with a really weird look on his face.

"You're not too bad yourself you know. If you have any insecurities right now don't worry because in the future you'll turn out to be gorgeous."

"Thanks," I say, starting to feel a little creeped out. "You too."

The guy steps closer to me and having a bad feeling about it I take a step back.

"You have no idea who I am do you?" He says while again taking a step towards me. "I'm Derek. Derek Hale."

Now knowing that something was definitely wrong with this guy I reply, "I don't know who you are or what you want with me but can you please like leave me alone. I don't need this right now." I shake my head and move past him. Geez what a crack head. How did even he know my name. I hope he's not a crazy stalker.

I've gotten a few metres away before I notice his footsteps along mine. What the hell. I stop then he stops and I turn and he turns too.

"Look, if you want money I don't have any. I'm probably poorer than you. Leave now before I bite your head off."

He has the nerve to laugh at me. "I don't want any money I know you're poor. I just want to help you okay. Just listen to me. Let me say this first."

"No," I spit back. "No, I have somewhere important to go too. I don't need your help."

"I know about your dancing."


"I know everything about you. Now listen to me, okay? This is important."

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

"There's no time for that. Come on, I have something to show you."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2014 ⏰

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