1. back to hell for derek

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The moment I step into school in the morning I immediately want to leave. Good old Beacon Hills high with its crowded hallways filled with sweaty teenagers, unnecessary loud noises and excitable chatter. Why anyone would be excited to come back here is completely beyond me. Holidays, take me back.

I start walking towards my first class, passing by numerous students; some new and some questionably old. Realising I should probably drop off my belongings at my locker first I change directions. All these books I had to get were starting to get to me. Might as well put them away until I need them.

When I reach the locker bay I make a face at an overly affectionate couple leaning against my locker. I slide the strap of my bag down my shoulders and clear my throat. They break away for a second to give me a glance before going at it again. Gross.

"Excuse me, hey, can you please move?" I say, trying to get their attention but failing miserably. With a loud sigh I grab both of their arms and pull them apart.

"What the hell? What do you want?" The jock snaps, roughly pushing my shoulder.

"Hey, let go of me! This shirt is Gucci and you're stretching it. Let go!" The girl exclaims while trying to squirm away from me.

Rolling my eyes, I say, "There is no way that shirt is Gucci. It's fake and you know it."

The girl stops to glare sharply at me. "Yeah, says who? You don't know anything. Loser."

Completely unaffected I raise both my hands in defense. "Hey, I'm just stating what we both already know. Now get out of my way I just need to get to my locker."

Annoyed, I run a hand through my hair and bend down to pick up my things. I go to open my locker but am stopped by a hand snatching away one of my text books. The guy flips the cover open to show the front page where my name is printed.

"Derek Hale. So, Derek, you can't just barge in on us like that and expect us to be okay."

"Yeah," the girl adds. "It’s rude. And besides, we're in love. You can't stop love."

I let out a snigger and scoff, "This is a public place. I have every right to be here and you're in my way. Go be in love somewhere else. In love, yeah right. I bet you break up in a week."

"Whatever. Let's just leave. He's obviously a loser."


I shrug and turn back to my locker. Hearing the bell ring I quickly put my books away and hurry to class.

When I arrive most students are already inside chatting in groups of friends. The teacher sitting at the front smiles at me warmly and tells me to choose a desk. I move around and head towards the back where I have always sat. A few heads turn when I pass but no one really takes any notice. I pull out the chair and sit down a few desks away from where a group of girls are talking.

"Did you hear the news?"

"What news?"

"We have a new girl in our class. I heard the teachers talking about it."

"Really? Is she here? What does she look like?"

"I don't know. I guess she comes later. We'll see."

"Yeah, I guess. Has the bell rung yet? When do we start?"

As if on cue the teacher gets up and goes to stand in front of the class.

"Hello everyone. I'm Mr. Harris, your teacher for this year. I also teach chemistry." He gazes at the not exactly expectant faces staring back at him. Then he adds with full sarcasm, "Welcome back. I know you're all looking forward to yet another full year of learning and fun."

While everyone around me groans I grab my earphones, shoving them in my ears, and turn up the music in hopes to block out the world. Music had always been able to help me relax and at a time like this I needed to prepare to do a whole lot of relaxing. I close my eyes and exhale slowly.

Welcome back, to hell.


omg derek stop being so dramatic its just school